  • 學位論文


Using Content Analysis Method to Study Online Destinations Image of Rural Village in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張伯茹


現代網際網路發達,提供了大量的目的地資訊給與遊客,除了方便遊客選擇旅遊目的地外,也讓研究者以及目的地行銷組織了解網際網路時代,線上目的地意象所帶來的影響,並協助日後的營銷策略的改善。本研究透過內容分析法,分析三個具有代表性的農村社區,探討農村社區呈獻在線上空間的意象內涵,以及當中來自不同資訊來源,如公私方的目的地行銷組織、遊客生成內容、新聞媒體的在認知意象與情感意象兩方面的異同,並更進一步探討目的地行銷組織與遊客間的意象缺口,最後則透過遊客所感知的意像內容,深入了解遊客在認知意象與情感意象的連結關係。 研究結果顯示,在整體內涵方面,重要認知意象歸納出農村特色意像、觀光旅遊意象、社區生活意象以及自然環境意象,重要情感意象則有Joy(喜悅)、Nostalgia(懷舊)、Aesthetic Appreciation(審美感)、Awe(驚嘆)以及Interest(興趣)。 在不同資訊來源的比較以及意象缺口的探討方面,發現認知意象中的自然環境-綠色景觀是遊客較為重視然而在公部門與私部門的目的地行銷組織中較為缺乏的。情感意象中的Relief(寬慰)也是遊客獨有較為重視的情感意象,在其他資訊來源中也較為缺乏。在認知意象與情感意象的連結關係探討方面,發現了綠色景觀協同農業設施與懷舊感有所連結,而處在綠色隧道中的市集則與審美感有關聯。 最後本研究基於研究結果,對未來台灣農村做線上營銷時提供以下建議。在未來營銷定位上,認知意象中的綠色景觀以及情感意象Joy(愉悅)是農村重要且普遍的意象內涵,建議個農村在這兩個意象基礎上再進一步探索各自農村獨有的意象內容,並且注重行銷時與遊客間的意象缺口,加以彌補吸引遊客前來。此外對於遊客所在意的意象元素其實質的維護管理也需注意。


The modern Internet is well-developed and provides a lot of destination information to tourists. In addition to making it easy for tourists to choose travel destinations, it also allows researchers and destination marketing organizations (DMO) to understand the impact of online destination images in the Internet age. And assist in the improvement of future marketing strategies. This study analyzes three representative rural villages through content analysis and explores the connotation of online space presented by rural villages, as well as analyzes the similarities and differences between different sources of information, such as public and private destination marketing organizations, tourist-generated content, and news media and further explore the image gap between destination marketing organizations and tourists. Finally, through the content of the images perceived by tourists, we can understand the connection between tourists' cognitive images and affective images. The research results show that in terms of overall connotation, important cognitive images include rural characteristic images, tourism images, community life images, and natural environment images, while important emotional images include Joy, Nostalgia, and Aesthetic Appreciation, Awe and Interest. In the comparison of different information sources and the discussion of image gaps, it is found that the natural environment-green landscape in cognitive images is more important for tourists but is lacking in destination marketing organizations in the public and private sectors. Relief is also a unique image that tourists pay more attention to, and it is also lacking in other information sources. In the discussion of the connection between cognitive and affective images, it was found that the green landscape synergy with agricultural facilities is associated with nostalgia, while the market in the green tunnel is associated with Aesthetic Appreciation. Finally, based on the findings, this study provides the following suggestions for future online marketing in rural villages. In terms of future marketing positioning, the green landscape in cognitive imagery and the affective image joy are important and universal images connotations in rural areas. It is recommended that each rural area further explore the content of the unique image of each rural area based on these two images, and Pay attention to the image gap between marketing and tourists to make up for attracting tourists. In addition, the actual maintenance and management of the image elements revisited by tourists also need to pay attention to.


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