  • 學位論文


A Study of M A and Growth Strategies in the Semiconductor Industry

指導教授 : 謝明慧


提升市場滲透率、研發新產品、開發新市場、併購都是成熟企業持續成長的策略選擇。由於併購需要大筆支出,還需要執行企業文化融合、產品市場重新定位等複雜工作,因此其中併購是一個往往被忽略的外部成長選項,許多公司將併購視為一種「nice to have」的策略。然而,回顧電子業、高科技業等快速變動產業的發展歷程會發現到,併購是一個不可或缺快速取得新技術、產品和市場的成長方法,甚至可以說是在高度競爭市場中持續生存的唯一之道。本研究採用個案分析的方法分析過去Intel、AMD、MediaTek三家科技公司的併購策略,說明併購不應是「nice to have」,而是「must have」的成長策略,讓企業可以建立競爭優勢、取得市占率,最終勝過其他競爭者。


Increasing market penetration, developing new products, developing new markets, and M A are all options for continued growth in established companies. M A requires large expenditures, cultural incorporation, and repositioning of integrated products and markets, so it is often overlooked as an option for external growth, and many companies view it as a “nice to have” strategy. However, a review of developments in rapidly changing industries such as the electronics and high-industries shows that M A is an indispensable method for obtaining new technologies, products, and market share. For some, M A is the only path to continued survival in a highly competitive market. This study analyses the M A strategies of Intel, AMD, and MediaTek to emphasize that M A is not a “nice to have” strategy, but a “must have” growth strategy which helps corporations gain competitive advantages and market share, and ultimately succeed over other competitors.


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