  • 學位論文

公共行政學知識來源及與其相關學科 互動關係之研究

An Analysis about Knowledge Originality and Interaction in the Public Administration and Other disciplines

指導教授 : 黃慕萱


公共行政充塞著人類事務的各個領域,其複雜性使得任何單一向度的研究,都無法獲得解決問題的門徑。而學科發展必需有其土壤與養分,此種土壤與養分即成為學科的知識來源,並透過自我引用與引用的活動歷程,從而產生了學科獨立性、跨學科以及互動關係的類型與程度等問題。以往公共行政研究者鮮少對於知識來源與其互動關係加以研究。而國外公共行政學目前又呈現著多種學科、多種方法交融互動的發展情況。準此,本研究旨在瞭解公共行政學的知識來源及與其相關學科互動關係的現象。 本研究採書目計量學的引用文獻分析法,使用美國ISI公司於1997年出版之Web of Science (簡稱WOS)資料庫,以公共行政學、政治學、管理學、經濟學、社會學、法律學等六大學科領域作為研究對象;就上述學科期刊於1981—2010年所發表文章,採每五篇抽一篇的原則,共抽取10,363篇文章之465,174筆參考文獻作為分析標的。並以互動關係係數、學科領域自我引用率、學科領域引用率(Citing rate of discipline)以及 Brillouin’s Index作為測量工具。 經由研究分析,首先在知識來源部分共有九項研究結果:1.公共行政學的主要知識來源仍為社會科學;2. 公共行政學之知識來源有朝向引用自然科學的趨勢;3. 公共行政學的知識來源配合時需而變;4.公共行政學的知識來源與學科發展軌跡相互吻合;5. 公共行政學知識來源的引用序列隨著時期改變的現象仍屬穩定;6. 公共行政學屬於參考學科的定位將日趨顯著;7. 公共行政學與其相關學科具有共同交集的學科;8. 經濟學成為公共行政學與相關學科在社會科學的主要知識來源;9. 相關學科在知識來源具有不同的引用偏好。其次在公共行政學的跨學科程度與學科獨立性共有五項研究結果:1. 跨學科程度相較於相關學科來得高;2. 學科多樣性具有隨時間遞增的趨勢;3. 自我引用率亦如其他學科互有消長;4. 學科獨立性日趨下滑;5.學科獨立性與吸收能力成反比。最後在公共行政學的互動關係類型與程度方面共有四項研究結果:1.與政治學、經濟學、法律學的互動關係類型並無時期的差異;2. 互動關係類型比其他學科之變化來得多樣;3. 互動關係類型呈現出三種類型;4. 與相關學科之學科互動關係具有對稱性的特點。 由研究結果顯示,本研究亦證實了學科獨立性與學科自我引用率成正比、跨學科程度與學科自我引用率成反比、學科自我引用率日趨減少而跨學科程度日漸擴大等先期研究的結論。而本研究屬於學科有關互動關係研究之首先嘗試,尤待更多學林俊彥的共同灌溉與驗證或修正,尤其是在全球化、資訊化和網路化的推波逐瀾下,科際整合蔚為風潮,而公共行政學又出現研究方法的爭論、主體「認同危機」等問題的時候,基於最省力的原則來進行有關研究主題與課程或實務問題解決門徑之規劃與行動方案之抉擇,本研究更具有匡補拾遺的參考功能。


The Public Administration service with each category of civilization which could be resolved by an approach above mono phase of research, the development of science depends on nutrition as originality of knowledge by the self-citing process to found the types and degree of independence, interdisciplinary and interaction of science. The scholar are also seldom to have related studies nowadays, as for the foreign Public Administration presented the aspects of multi disciplines and method of interaction, therefore the goal of this study to realize the phenomenon of originality of knowledge and their interaction above. The study adopted the approach of bibliography analysis of informetrics which cited the “Web of Science” database published on 1997 by ISI from the united states, which contains 6 branches of learning as Public Administration, Political Science, Management, Economic Science, Social Science and Law as the objects of research, and the sample was quoted each 5 for 1 article between 1981-2010 for 465, 174 reference text of 10,363 articles as the goal of analysis, the factors of interaction, self- citing rate and the citing rate of discipline with Brillouin’s Index as a tool of measurement. According to the analysis of originality of knowledge as 9 achievements, they are following. a. The Social Science is still the main originality of Public Administration. b. The trend of Public Administration is citing Nature Science. c. The originality of Public Administration variety with phases. d. The track of originality and development of Public Administration are matched. e. The stability of originality citing of Public Administration matched the variety of phases. f. The position of Public Administration belongs to the reference discipline is clear. g. The related disciplines of Public Administration to be mixed. h. The Economic Science become the main originality to the Public Administration and related disciplines in the Social Science. i. The different citing inertia of originality of knowledge in the related disciplines. Secondly, there are also 5 achievements in the cross disciplines and independence to the science of Public Administration as following. a. The degree of interdisciplinary are higher than related discipline. b. The variety of disciplines increasing progressively with the time. c. The rate of self-citing is adjustable as the other discipline. d. The independence of discipline is descending with chronograph. e. The inverse ratio of independence and absorbing ability to the discipline. Finally, there are 4 achievements about aspects and degree to the interaction of Public Administration as following. a. There is no difference of interaction to the Political Science, Economic Science and Law with the phases. b. The variety of interaction is more than the other discipline. c. There are 3 types of interaction. d. There is symmetry within the interaction of related disciplines. The conclusion from the achievements above which has proofed the independence of discipline and the rate of self-citing in direct proportion, and the degree of cross discipline with self-citing is inverse ratio also descending rate, the degree of cross disciplines is broaden as conclusion of forecast. This study is also a prime attempt about related interaction of disciplines, which depends on more other scholar to modify under the trend of globalization and info mediation as a kind of integration of discipline, and this could be a easy process to resolve the disputation of research approach and subject identification, and also the reference of supplement.


黃世雄(2001)。圖書資訊學期刊排序之研究。國科會專題研究計畫成果報告(NSC 89-2413-H-032-024),未出版。
