  • 學位論文


A Wearable Device Assisted Management Platform for Innovative Home-based Rehabilitation

指導教授 : 游張松


隨著高齡化社會的到來,老化衰退或疾病造成的身體功能受損讓復健需求快速上升,然而部分患者因行動不便無法積極外出做復健,使的居家復健服務應運而生。檢視台灣現行長照制度下政府開辦的居家復健服務,具有治療師媒合效率低落、人力供給短缺,以及有限的補助造成長期復健族群訓練不足等問題。 為解決上述問題,本研究提出穿戴式裝置輔助之創新居家復健管理平台,提供欲把握治療黃金期之患者一個復健新選擇。平台直接連結患者與復健治療師,透過線上媒合機制讓患者選擇合適的治療師,同時結合穿戴式裝置輔助,提供患者遠距復健服務,以彌補到府居家復健訓練之不足。新的復健模式讓治療師可透過平台同時監測多位患者復健情況,並根據平台提供量化的成果報告給予復健訓練計畫修正,讓治療更加精準。 最後,本研究以價值創造循環理論重新拆解系統架構,檢視此居家復健管理平台的價值附加。平台透過與通路建立合作關係匯集居家復健供需雙方,並乘著穿戴感測科技的發展,運用遠距復健解決現有服務模式之痛點。而勞動條件改善與生產力提升,將促使治療師投入產業的意願提高,市場供給也隨之擴大。本研究短期以提升復健服務的可近性為目的,長期則希望透過大量生理數據的累積與分析,實現精準復健醫療之願景,幫助更多患者早日重拾健康人生。


With the advent of aging society, physical impairment caused by degeneration or diseases has increased the demand for rehabilitation. However, some patients with mobility problems can't go out and actively receive rehabilitation at hospitals, which leads to emergence of home-based rehabilitation. Examining the home-based rehabilitation services under the long-term care system in Taiwan, there are some problems such as low efficiency in matching service for therapists, shortage of labor supply and insufficient practice due to limited subsidies. To solve the above-mentioned problems, this study aims at proposing a wearable device assisted management platform for innovative home-based rehabilitation, providing a new option for patients who want to be cured in their prime. This platform directly connects the patients and the therapists, allowing patients to choose their therapists through its online matching system. In the meantime, this platform provides telerehabilitation assisted by wearable devices for the patients, with the hope to make up for the insufficient practice from home-based rehabilitation. This new type of rehabilitation allows the therapist to monitor several patient's condition through the platform at the same time, and the qualitative outcomes report provided will help them make the rehabilitation plan for their patients more precisely. Last but not least, this study breaks down the system of home-based rehabilitation, and reconstructs it with Value Creation Cycle model to identify the value created by the innovative platform. This platform builds partnerships with channels to gather both the suppliers and consumers of home-based rehabilitation. With the advancement of wearable sensing technology, it tries to overcome the pain points of the service model nowadays by telerehabilitation. It is expected that improvements in working conditions and productivity will attract more therapists to enter the home service industry, increasing the market supply. This study aims to increase the accessibility of rehabilitation service in the short term; however, with the accumulation and analysis of physiological data, we hope to realize the vision of Precision rehabilitation medicine in the long run, helping more patients regain their health.


