  • 學位論文

台灣購物中心經營模式之研究 – 以B公司為例

A Study of Taiwan Shopping Mall Business Model – The Case of Company B

指導教授 : 陳俊忠 黃崇興


研究背景及目的 以台灣目前的零售業現況,在發展購物中心的過程中,時時刻刻都面臨著競爭的壓力,包括百貨公司的競爭、量販店的競爭、電子商務、以及同行的競爭,在這些競爭生態之中,購物中心如何掌握關鍵的成功競爭優勢,是本研究最主要的議題,因此,本研究擬定下列三個研究目的: 1. 評估何謂成功與不成功的台灣購物中心。 2. 檢討台灣購物中心成功與不成功的關鍵因素。 3. 分析台灣購物中心成功的經營模式。 研究方法 本研究彙整多管道資料、參考行銷及管理等相關文獻,並將資料做合理分析運用。由於購物中心資料多擷取於網路資訊,是非真假難以考證,本研究只能盡量蒐集多方資料做比對,找出較合理的結果做為參考值。 結果分析 購物中心的經營著重於各階段佈局,在短中長期需要運用不同的策略。 長期經營策略:以公司及經營者本身條件背景、投資理念,以及周圍環境因素、交通便利性及硬體設施。 中期經營策略:配合賣場動線、舒適度、安全性、便利性、停車空間,以及經營團隊的專業度、品德操守、敬業精神。 短期經營策略:有效的行銷策略、顧客關係經營、主顧客動員力、供應商的合作關係、人才培訓計畫、提供完善制度、專業分工、日常營運管理、團隊的彈性靈活度及嚴格成本控制。 結論 實體零售通路因應線上購物的威脅,台灣及中國大陸的策略一致,都以體驗式行銷等做為未來發展方向。現階段來看可以是一個治標的中短期經營策略,但實體賣場的經營成本極高,在迎合市場趨勢的同時,一定要清楚瞭解公司營運指標,才能在最終為公司賺得合理的利潤。而以長期經營策略來看,O2O(Online to Offline)會是未來虛實整合的最重要體系,善用線上線下龐大客戶資料,做最有效的主顧客管理及客製化服務,另外利用網路達到信息傳播,降低昂貴的傳統媒體行銷手法,並且有效的庫存管理降低成本,這是目前各大型零售集團積極佈局和未來重點發展的新領域。


購物中心 Big City 經營策略


Background and purpose In current Taiwan retail environment, operating Shopping Malls is highly challenge, competition including Department Stores, Hypermarkets, E-commerce, and other Shopping Malls. Then how to overcome the barrier and predominate the key competitive advantages are the most important subject for this thesis, the following are 3 key purposes: 1. Evaluate and identify which are the successful and unsuccessful Shopping Malls in Taiwan. 2. Review the key factors for successful and failure Shopping Malls in Taiwan. 3. Analyze the successful business model for the Shopping Mall in Taiwan. Material and methods The material for this thesis are generated from varies sources; such as internet, newspaper, magazine and related books. Although the accuracy for related information from internet is untraceable, the material has been studied and reorganized to the best reasonable outcomes. Result and analysis The Shopping Mall Business model is focus on three strategic steps: Long-term: based on company and owner’s background, investment idea, environment surrounding, traffic convenience and hardware. Mid-term: incorporated with the shopping area’s safety, comfort, parking space, which also including the professionalism, morality and dedication of the staffs. Short-term: effectively on marketing strategy, customer relation management, mobilization of VIPs, training program for talents, daily operation and cost control. Conclusion Physical retail channel is threatened by online shopping nowadays, for both Taiwan and China offer experiential marketing as the short to mid-term strategy. However operate a shopping mall is very costly; in order to make reasonable profit for long-term, owner must ensure company’s strategy can be executed. Then what is the next? O2O and big data are foresee to be the most important future retail activities, therefore the major retail players are aggressively invest in these new territories.


Shopping Mall Big City Business Strategy


1. 行政院研究發展考核委員會(中華民國96年6月):大型購物中心設置政策之
2. 第八章購物中心。網路資料。
3. 侯英堯�吳建宏合著(2014年3月):購物中心21決勝關鍵。台商國際傳媒。
