  • 學位論文


The Effects of Depressed Mood and Subtypes of Rumination on Cognitive Control and Memory Efficacy during/after Postperceptual Reflective Processes

指導教授 : 張素凰


本研究旨在探討個體的憂鬱程度與認知效能之關聯性。過去研究已經發現當訊息存在時,憂鬱反芻者呈現對負向情緒性訊息的注意力偏誤與注意力轉移困難,但尚無研究進一步探索在訊息消失後續的訊息處理之認知控制效能。本研究以類臨床憂鬱之樣本做為此議題的初探研究,以鮮活訊息作業(Johnson & Raye, 2002)與無預警再認記憶作業探討知覺後反映性歷程的認知控制與記憶效能。本研究預期高憂鬱者將呈現較差的認知控制效能,尤其是面對負向情緒性訊息時。而反芻特質形式(苦惱自責、深思反省)與伸頸效應將呈現不同的關聯性。此外,本研究亦探討不同憂鬱程度個體在鮮活增進記憶的效能是否具差異。共98位受試者參與正式研究,在填寫貝克憂鬱量表、貝克焦慮量表、及反芻反應風格量表之中文短版後,進行鮮活訊息作業與無預警之再認回憶作業。結果顯示在認知控制方面,以鮮活訊息作業的反應時間為依變項的,2(憂鬱組別:低、高)× 2(嘗試情境:複述、鮮活)× 2(目標字詞:中性、憂鬱)三因子混合變異數分析之三階交互作用未達顯著;而以苦惱自責分組則呈現顯著三階交互作用,具體而言,高苦惱自責組鮮活憂鬱詞的認知控制較差。在記憶效能方面,以敏感度(d’)與反應偏誤(c)為依變項的2(憂鬱組別:低、高)× 2(字詞情境:被複述、被鮮活)× 2(字詞價性:中性、憂鬱)三因子混合變異數分析之結果顯示,兩者的三階交互作用皆達顯著;具體而言,低憂鬱組的記憶正確性較不受訊息的處理方式或價性而影響,而高憂鬱組則整體記憶表現較差,僅特別記得被鮮活的憂鬱詞;此外,高憂鬱組明顯更加偏好被鮮活的憂鬱詞。再者,相關分析結果發現,僅苦惱自責與伸頸效應呈負相關,深思反省則與伸頸效應無關聯。本研究結果反映了憂鬱與反芻對認知控制具有不同層面的影響,驗證苦惱自責為較不具適應性之反芻思考形式,且高憂鬱個體對被鮮活過的負向情緒性訊息表徵具特殊的記憶與偏好,推測其因此而較有困難運用中性或正向訊息調節其負向自我概念、修復情緒、或進行問題解決。在臨床應用方面,本研究的結果顯示或許可透過認知控制訓練對憂鬱者進行預防與治療。


The present study investigated the relation between depressed mood and cognitive efficacy. Prior research has indicated that depressive ruminators demonstrate attentional bias and impaired disengagement of attention for negative emotional stimuli when these stimuli are present. However, it remains unclear as to their cognitive efficacy when they are cued to mentally refresh these no-longer present stimuli. With sub-clinical depression individuals as participants, this pilot study used Refresh task (Johnson & Raye, 2002) and Surprise Recognition task to explore the cognitive control and memory efficacy during/after postperceptual reflective processes. It was predicted that the disphorics would show lower efficacy in cognitive control, especially for negative emotional stimuli. Besides, the associations with mental-rubbernecking would differ for brooding and reflection, the two subtypes of rumination. Moreover, this study also explored if memory efficacy after refreshing would differ in different disphoric groups. Ninety-eight participants completed inventories (including BDI, BAI, and RRS-short form) and participated in the Refresh task and Surprise Recognition task. The results showed that for cognitive control, with reaction time as dependent variable, a three-way ANOVA of 2 (group: dysphoric/non-dysphoric) × 2 (trial condition: repeat/refresh) × 2 (target word: neutral/depressive) mixed design indicated that the three way interaction was not significant, whereas it was significant when the groups were divided by brooding. Specifically, the high brooders showed lower cognitive control over refreshing the depressive words. For memory efficacy after refreshing, with sensitivity(d’) and response bias(c) as dependent variables, the three-way ANOVA of 2 (group: dysphoric/non-dysphoric) × 2 (word condition: repeated/refreshed) × 2 (word valence: neutral/depressive) mixed design indicated that a significant three way interaction for both the two measures. Specifically, the memory accuracy of the non-dysphorics was not influenced by modes of information processing or valence of stimulus, while the dysphorics showed overall poor performance, except for the refreshed depressive words. Meanwhile, the dysphorics preferred to response to the refreshed depressive words. Furthermore, while reflection was not associated with mental-rubbernecking, brooding was correlated with the latter negatively. Taken together, the results revealed that there were different effects for depression and rumination on cognitive control. Moreover, brooding was a maladaptive subtype of rumination. What’s more, the dysphorics had preference and memory bias to refreshed negative emotional representations, which might result in difficulties using neutral and positive materials to regulate their negative self-concept, remission from suffering emotions, or engaging in problem solving. As to clinical implications, these findings indicated the possibility of prevention or treatment of depression through such cognitive control training.




