  • 學位論文


Ruminative Response Style, Dysphoria Mood Change and Emotional Regulation Strategies on Experiential Avoidance

指導教授 : 張素凰


研究背景與目的:Nolen- Hoeksema(1993)提出反芻特質與憂鬱症的引發及維持具高度相關,建議以分心作為情緒因應策略,改善個體因反覆自我專注所導致的病理症狀。與之有關的情緒研究發現,反芻特質與經驗迴避程度相關,顯示個體在低落情緒處理過程中,可能有所阻礙。近年學者提出較具適應性的自我專注型式-「經驗感受」做為治療策略,然較少研究針對個體的反芻特質或在不同程度的低落情緒改變量狀態下,探討分析評價或經驗感受的自我專注,相較於分心治療策略對經驗迴避程度有何影響。 研究方法:本研究先對143位受試者進行低落情緒促發作業,再隨機分派進行不同型式的情緒調節策略(分析評價法、經驗感受法、分心法),最後進行PASAT-C作業測試,受試者可自行決定何時提前終止實驗。以低落情緒促發成功之130位受試者正式進行分析,依照其反芻特質分為高、低兩組;依照其低落情緒促發作業後低落情緒改變量分為大、小兩組,以PASAT-C得分為共變項、以代表經驗迴避程度的作業持續時間(秒數)為依變項,進行 2 (反芻特質: 高、低) × 2 (低落情緒改變量:大、小)× 3 (情緒調節策略:分析評價、經驗感受、分心)之三因子完全受試者間共變數分析。 研究結果:在低落情緒改變量較大時,相較於低反芻組而言,使用分心法的高反芻組,其經驗迴避程度較低(PASAT-C作業持續時間較長)。相對於低落情緒改變量較大時而言,使用經驗感受法的高反芻組,在低落情緒改變量較小時,其作業時間較持久。低反芻組在低落情緒改變量較大時,使用分心法比使用分析評價法,會更降低其經驗迴避程度;低反芻組在情緒改變較小時,三種情緒調節策略對其經驗迴避程度無明顯差異。 研究討論:高反芻者在低落情緒改變量較大時,若獨自進行經驗感受之自我專注型式,易陷入僵化的思考習慣中,使用負向的自我分析評價,但若使用分心法則可有效轉移注意力,使個體暫時抒緩情緒,因而其經驗迴避程度較低;若為較輕微的低落情緒,則適用經驗感受之自我專注來處理自身低落情緒。對低反芻者而言,遇較低落情緒時,適用自我分析評價來因應,而在較輕微之狀況時則可自行調適。 研究貢獻:本研究結果支持過去研究中,分心訓練對高反芻者因應低落情緒有效之假設,及經驗感受法(內觀法)在臨床心理治療上的貢獻,並提供在不同程度的低落情緒狀態中,最好選用不同的情緒調節策略之實徵研究證據。


Nolen- Hoeksema (1993) proposed that ruminative response style is related to the occurrence and deterioration of depression, and distraction is an adaptive strategy to modify the pathology of repetitive self-focus. Recent studies suggested ruminations were associated with experiential avoidance, indicating difficulty in processing negative experiences, and experiential ruminative self-focus might be adaptive. Nonetheless, the differential effects of analytical-evaluative rumination, experiential rumination, and distraction on experiential avoidance, especially in light of ruminative response style and amount of negative mood change remains elusive. After mood induction, 143 participants were randomly assigned to analytical-evaluative rumination, experiential rumination or distraction manipulation, and undertook Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task- Computerized (PASAT-C) subsequently, which the participants were allowed to stop at any time. The latency in seconds to task termination was used as an index of experiential avoidance. 130 participants whose negative mood was induced successfully were divided to four groups according to their RRS scores and negative mood change amount. A 2 (ruminative response style: high vs. low) × 2 (negative mood change amount: low vs. high) × 3 (regulation strategy: analytical-evaluative rumination, experiential rumination, or distraction) ANCOVA was conducted on termination latency with PASAT-C score as a covariant. The results showed that with high negative mood change, the termination latency of high ruminators was longer than low ruminators when undertaking distraction; however the effect was reversed when doing analytical-evaluative rumination. Besides, when undertaking experiential rumination, the termination latency of high ruminators with low negative mood change was longer, compared to that with high negative mood change. Moreover, when low ruminators with high negative mood change undertook analytic-evaluative rumination, their latencies were longer than when undertaking distraction; however, there were no differences among the three emotional regulation strategies for the low ruminator with low negative mood change. Taken together, the study suggested that the efficacy of different emotional regulation strategies depended on one’s ruminative response style and her/his emotional state.


American Psychological Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-IV-TR. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.


