  • 學位論文


Innovative applications of logistic operations for electronics manufacturing industry

指導教授 : 黃崇興


電子製造產業為降低成本、提升效率而持續推行以消除浪費為核心的精實製造。在3C電子產品市場逐漸的朝向少量多樣和客製化的發展與變遷;物流作為第三利潤源泉,逐漸的被重視。精實物流基於精實製造發展的脈絡與思維;同樣的也逐漸成為其中重要的核心組成。在經歷了合理化、標準化及半自動化的發展,直至現在結合工業4.0及2025中國智造等趨勢的導引下;智能製造與智能化物流的概念和運作方式也同步的發展。 本論文以台資3C製造型企業在中國大陸的製造基地為研究對象;探討其基於精實物流的基礎,如何的將生產中的供應、製造、銷售等相關運作體系等資料結構化、資訊電子化與朝向智能化逐步的發展;而總體得以實現對客戶需求的快速響應、產品有效與及時的供給、物流成本有效控制的內外物流的改善及電子化系統與平台的導入,以適應當今激烈競爭下的微利時代及提升企業的總體競爭力。 本論文分析了企業生產製造內外物流的背景現況,對研究的企業對象進行探討及分析企業自身優劣勢,結合外部宏觀環境改變的影響與制約,了解與分析其如何尋找並開拓符合現代3C製造產業所需求的物流管理技術,探索與討論其物流管理策略目標建立的方向與歷程。以管理的角度來了解與剖析其所提出及運作的生產製造內外物流方法與系統及電子化物流管理系統結合的創新應用。 論文首先研讀與參考了中外物流管理的相關文獻,概述與探索了中外物流的發展歷程,並通過與本論文研究企業相關或相類似的;具有代表性的同為3C產品製造行業及其他得以為借鏡或比較的其他行業的調研,嘗試歸納與總結當前生產製造內外物流管理與技術所應用的層次。在對比文獻的理論基礎上,逐步探索與分析研究的企業其面臨的問題與在生產製造內、外物流及物流管理系統方面的解決方案和創新應用。 接著論文中逐步的探討該企業基於精實物流及電子化物流管理系統,在供、產、銷等資訊流、供應實物流、生產實物流等各方面的應用與創新。藉由實際案例及對比分析,說明其對企業帶來的影響和改變。也分析了該企業如何透過構建關鍵指標管理體系,量化並說明企業所實質獲得的成果及效益。 論文最後總結此次研究的所得,同時也闡述因本論文研究範圍及探討構面的受限及能力的不足,未來有機會持續改善的方向和建議。希望能夠藉由對論文研究對象其物流活動的特點的研究與相關模式的建立,能夠讓其他3C製造型產業構建與仿效應用本論文所研究與探討的內外精實物流及電子化物流管理體系,實現產業總體物流成本控制的目標,並期提高產業中各企業的經營效益與競爭力。


Manufacturing industries were continuing to promote lean production by eliminating waste as the core to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency. As the user requirement of 3C electronic products getting towards to high mix low volume and customization, the logistics treated as the third profit origination, gradually be emphasized. Lean logistics, on the basis of skeleton and concepts of lean production, is also becoming an important core of them. The concept and operation of smart manufacture and smart logistics are fast developing after passing through the steps of rationalization, standardization and semi-automation under the leading and guiding by the trend of “Industrial 4.0” and “Smart manufacturing 2025 by China”. In this thesis, we take a Taiwanese 3C electronic-products company and its mainland China manufacturing site as a base, to research and explore about their operation structure, to learn how they organized, e-managed and introduced artificial intelligent into their supply chain, manufacturing and sales operation. We investigate the internal and external logistics background and current situation for the company; explore and analyze the advantages and shortages of them by considering the impact and restriction of the macr006F-economic environment. Recognize and analyze how to search and develop the related new methodology of logistics management as to meet the need of modern enterprises. In addition, to realize how the company setup the direction and progress tracking in their logistics management strategy. Then, we analyze and investigate about their innovative operations at their internal and external logistics, and the electronic logistics management system in the business administration point of view. Initially, we studied and referred the journals and related research papers about the history and management theory of logistics. In addition, to study and realize the same field enterprises and different field company in their logistics approach and operation; to use those data as basis to further study how different and what can be adopted to comparison and usage for this research in the internal-process logistics, external- raw material supply chain and finish goods shipping logistics and the e-logistics management system. Then we step by step to analyze and investigate the application and innovation in information flow, related supply chain operation, production operation for the studied case company on their bases of lean logistics and e-logistics management system. Through real examples and comparison, illustrate their influences and changes; their achievements and observed benefits. Finally, we summarized the achievement of the overall research, and also addressed the limitations of the research scope and the lack of capability of the author. In addition, we provide the further improvement suggestions and future research directions. The author sincerely wishes that other 3C companies can adopt and apply the model and methodology that we discussed and explored in this thesis, to realize into their company and receive the benefits in the logistics cost control, and further improve the overall efficiency and competitiveness.


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