  • 學位論文


The Role of Supervisors and Audit Committee in Corporate Governance

指導教授 : 曾宛如


自1997年亞洲金融風暴後,完善的公司治理被視為是改善企業經濟效率、提昇企業競爭力與對抗企業危機的良方,雖然我國並未受到亞洲金融風暴嚴重衝擊,惟國內上市上櫃公司弊案頻傳,嚴重衝擊我國金融市場,使投資人失去信心。2001 年美國安隆(Enron)、世界通訊(Worldcom)等大型企業陸續發生掩飾虧損、隱藏負債及財務報表編製不實等弊端,使得公司治理成為全球關注之議題。在這波公司治理之全球化浪潮下,我國政府亦成立「改革公司治理專案小組」,並通過「強化公司治理政策綱領暨行動方案」,積極推動公司治理相關的改革政策。然而在2004年仍發生博達案,接著在2006年時更爆發力霸掏空案,除造成國家整體經濟之損傷,更使得社會不安。時至今日吾人仍可時常耳聞公司弊案,顯示出我國內部監控機制失靈,無法適時發揮監督效用。 再者,我國公司法係採傳統監察人之雙軌制,惟監察人效用不彰向為社會所詬病。2006年我國修正證券交易法引進英美法制之「獨立董事」與「審計委員會」制度,以順應世界潮流,強化我國公司治理。至此,我國內部監控模式有三:一為維持傳統監察人制度,而不設獨立董事;二為除設監察人之外,並設有獨立董事;三為設立獨立董事,並組成審計委員會。然而這樣劇烈的治理模式變革,是否妥當?有無疑義?傳統監察人制如何克服監督效用不彰的難題?又監察人與獨立董事兩者併存,是否在組織設計上有疊床架屋之不當?審計委員會大量準用監察人規定,是否只是換湯不換藥?凡此種種問題,皆有加以釐清之必要。因此,本文擬以此為研究方向,檢視我國內部監控機關之運作有無缺失、如何改進,期望就相關問題提出一點淺見,而能對我國公司治理有所俾益。茲將本文各章研究範圍及內容概述如下: 第一章為「緒論」,旨在闡述本論文之研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法及研究架構。第二章為「公司治理之概述」,旨在就「公司治理」之意義為一簡單之概述,並著重於內部監控模式之討論。第三章為「公司治理之比較法研究-以內部監控為核心」,參考法制為美國法與日本法,並且一併說明我國目前公司治理之現況。第四章為「監察人於公司治理之角色」,進一步討論我國監察人制度之相關問題。第五章為「審計委員會於公司治理之角色」,檢視我國引進之審計委員會制度有無缺失以及如何改進。第六章則為「結論」,就本文作一綜合性之總結。


Since the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, complete corporate governance has been viewed as the recipe for efficiency improving of company economic, enhancement of company competitiveness, and confrontation of enterprise crisis. Although Taiwan was not extremely hit by the Asian Financial Crisis, it was crushed by scandals that frequently occurred at domestic listed companies. Therefore, our financial market became worse, and made investors lose their confidence. Since 2001, scandals have successively been found at large companies in U.S., such as Enron, Worldcom, etc. Consequently, corporate governance has become an important issue. In this global wave of emphasizing the corporate governance, our government established an administration called "Taskforce for Reforming Corporate Governance" as well. The Taskforce was settled to promote the policies related to corporate governance and propose a program entitled "policy agenda and action plan to strengthen corporate governance." However, there still occurred the Procomp Informatics scandal in 2004 and Rebar scandal in 2006. It not only damaged to the national economy, but also led to social upheaval. Nowadays, the corporate scandals still happen, which reveals the failure of the internal control mechanism in Taiwan. Furthermore, the internal control mechanism of the Company Law in Taiwan is the two-tier board system, but the Supervisors system has been criticized for its invalid function in oversight. In 2006, to improve corporate governance the government introducing the independent directors and audit committee systems, and thus amended the Stock Exchange Act and dramatically reformed the corporate governance system in Taiwan. Since then, there became three internal control models in Taiwan. First, maintaining the traditional supervisors system and do not set up independent directors. Second, establishing both supervisors and independent directors. Third, setting up both independent directors and audit committee. However, such a dramatic change in the corporate governance model might generate some problems. Is it appropriate? Are there any doubt? These questions really need to be clarified. According to the above, the present thesis was conducted to examine the possible problems in internal control system and propose the corresponsive solutions. The following are the research scope and content of each chapter: Chapter 1 entitled “Introduction”, which describes the research motivation, purpose, scope, methods and framework of the thesis. Chapter 2 entitled “Overview of Corporate Governance”, which gives a brief overview of the significance of the word “Corporate Governance”, and focuses on the discussion of internal control models. Chapter 3 entitled “a Comparative Study of the Legal Structure in Corporate Governance- Focus on the internal control system”, which introduces the legal systems of U.S. and Japan, and also reports the current corporate governance in Taiwan. Chapter 4 entitled “the Role of Supervisors in Corporate Governance”, which further discusses the relevant issues of the supervisors system. Chapter 5 entitled “the Role of Audit Committee in Corporate governance”, which examines the problems of audit committee system and proposes some suggestions for them. Chapter 6 entitled “Conclusion”, which combines all the results of the thesis and makes a clear conclusion.




