  • 學位論文

開發糙薏仁及豆渣加工產品及其對高果糖誘發代謝症 候群大鼠之機能性研究

Development of the product of dehulled adlay and okara processing food and study its effect on metabolic syndrome in fructose-fed rats

指導教授 : 江文章


代謝症候群是近年來極受到重視的健康議題,其症狀包括腹部肥胖、高胰島素血症、血脂異常和高血壓等,此些危險因子的聚集現象與心血管疾病及第二型糖尿病有密切的相關性。日常生活中,可藉由控制飲食和運動來改善代謝症候群,以降低這些危險因子。而在預防代謝症候群方法上,以飲食控制最為重要,若是我們可研發一保健食品具有調節代謝症候群的作用,將會有許多人受益。 豆渣乃指黃豆經由萃取豆奶後,所殘留下的殘渣部份,傳統上往往被當作寵物食品或是廢棄物丟棄。然而豆渣富含許多高品質蛋白質、膳食纖維和植物化學物質等成分,因為豆渣的特別成分,值得將其應用於食品中。薏苡(Coix lachrymal-jobi L.var. ma-yuen Stapf )自古以來即為食藥兩用之材料,許多研究均顯示其具有調節血脂及血糖等生理功效。因此本研究之目的可分為兩部份,第一部份為設計黃豆渣與薏苡之不同配方產品,進行感官品評篩選出較佳產品;第二部份為利用餵食高果糖誘發大鼠產生代謝症候群,探討產品之功效。 實驗第一階段為設計不同配方產品。將豆渣以10%至45%的比例取代於糙薏仁及白米中,製成產品並進行感官品評,結果發現,當糙薏仁與豆渣比例為8:5時,產品無論風味或是對豆渣喜好度皆較佳。實驗第二階段進一步探討產品功效,和給予高果糖飼料組(HF)相比,給予一包產品取代高果糖飼料之低劑量組(L)及給予兩包產品取代高果糖飼料之高劑量組(H)皆能顯著降低血漿中三酸甘油酯濃度、極低密度脂蛋白三酸甘油酯(VLDL-TG)及尿酸濃度(p<0.05)。綜合上述,我們將豆渣成功應用於產品,不但消費者喜好度佳,藉由動物實驗也證實產品可有效降低血漿中三酸甘油酯、尿酸濃度。


Metabolic syndrome (MS) is defined by the cluster of physiologic and metabolic abnormalities, including overall and central obesity, hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidemia and hypertension. And it will increase the probably of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. In daily life, we can lose weight by food control and exercise to improve MS and lower the risk factors of diseases. Above all, food control is the most important. Therefore, if we can develop a functional food with effect on ameliorating metabolic syndrome, there will be a lot of people benefit from this product. Okara is the residue obtained from soybeans after extracting soymilk and traditionally used as animals’ food or burnt as waste. However, okara is rich in high-quality proteins, dietary fiber and phytochemicals. Due to these peculiar compositions, it might have the potential to use in the food industry. Dehulled adlay has been used as a medical herb substance and functional food for traditional treatment of diabetes in China. Many studies indicate that adlay play an important role in the regulation of plasma lipids and glucose metabolisms. Therefore, the aims of this study can divide into two parts. The first part, we design a product containing okara, dehulled adlay and other ingredients in different proportion. By the way of sensory evaluation, we select the final product. The second part, we will evaluate the effect of okara and adlay processing food on metabolic syndrome induced by high fructose diet in rats. The first stage of this study was to design the products in different ratios of the materials. We made the products by taking the place of dehulled adlay and rice with 10% to 45% of okara. According to the results of sensory evaluation, we found that when the ratio of dehulled adlay and okara was 8:5, the flavor and okara feeling were best. The second stage of this study was to investigate the effect of product on rats with metabolic syndrome. Comparing with the group HF (fed with high fructose diet), group L (high fructose diet was replaced with one product) and group H(high fructose diet was replaced with two products) could lower the serum triglyceride and uric acid levels significantly. To summarize, we made the okara in the products successfully, and the products can lower serum triglyceride and uric acid levels significantly by animal experiment.


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