  • 學位論文

巷弄交通安全綜合評估- 以臺北市鄰里交通環境改善計畫為例

Alley traffic safety integrated evaluation - Taipei City Neighborhood Traffic Environment Improvement Program

指導教授 : 許添本


臺北市鄰里巷弄狹小,行人時常必須與車爭道,造成巷弄裡時常發生人車衝突問題。為解決前述問題,並以人本永續交通規劃的精神,達成國際化首善之都的交通願景,臺北市於104年8月開始推動鄰里交通環境改善計畫,以里為單位,深入民眾生活的巷弄進行整體改善,巷弄優先考量行人安全,主要透過標線型人行道劃設改善行人通行環境。因此,臺北市區巷弄開始大量劃設標線型人行道。 劃設標線型人行道的目的,是欲將人車分流,使行人得到優先路權, 惟規劃標線型人行道後,各項肇事指標(巷弄事故件數、巷弄事故死傷人數、巷弄肇事嚴重性指標EPDO、肇事次數當量ETAN)是否因此下降,臺北市鄰里交通環境改善計畫實施是否對於巷弄肇事嚴重性指標有影響,又何種標線型人行道巷弄配置對於肇事嚴重度改變最為明顯。本研究利用事前事後調查方式,以及事前事後肇事資料,以臺北市鄰里巷弄為樣本,針對巷弄安全等級、用路人巷弄安全主觀感知、相關性分析等方面,利用SPSS軟體及網路問卷方式進行研究,以了解計畫實施前後之改變。 研究結果發現,標線型人行道劃設後,巷弄車速變快,尤其是小客車車速上升幅度最大;路口無論是肇事件數、傷亡人數、肇事嚴重性指標及肇事次數當量皆有上升趨勢,路段則是皆有下降趨勢。臺北市鄰里交通環境改善計畫實施對於里別各項肇事指標皆有影響,且皆有下降趨勢。取消停車格位劃設標線型人行道此種巷弄配置為所有標線型人行道巷弄配置中,肇事指標上升比例最高。因此,後續於規劃標線型人行道前,應先考慮路口減速問題。 關鍵詞:鄰里交通環境改善計畫、標線型人行道、巷弄安全


Alleys in Taipei are always small and pedestrains are always need to dodge cars in alleys, so there are lots of conflicts between pedestians and cars. In order to solve this problem, achieve the spirit of human transport planning and the international capital vision, Taipei city government started to implement “The neighborhood traffic environment improvement program” in August, 2015. This planning take a village into a unit, improve whole alleys and consider the pedestrian safety at first. Mainly use marked sidewalks to improve pedestrains walking environment. Therefore, there are many marked sidewalks stared to be made in Taipei city. The main purpose of planning marked sidewalks is to separate cars and pedestrains in alleys. Give the priority road rights to pedestrian. However, are accident indicators(number of accidents, number of casualties, EPDO serious index, number of equivalent ETAN) getting less after planning marked sidewalks?Is the saftey level of the alley getting better after “The neighborhood traffic environment improvement program”?What kind of alley configuration will influence accident indexs the best?This research is going to use Before-and-After survey, the data of Before-and-After accidents, and take alleys in Taipei into examples. Focus on safety level of alleys, alley-users perceptions, correlation analysis and so on, use SPSS sofeware and network questionnaire to know the change after the plan was implemented, and to know the change after the plan was done. The results show that, after marking the number of marked sidewalks, each kind of vehicles’ speed go faster, especially cars speed increase the largest; Near the intersection ,there is an increasing trend of the number of accidents, number of casualties, EPDO serious index, number of equivalent ETAN. However, there is a decreasing trend of section of the road. The implementation of Taipei City neighborhood traffic environment improvement program has an influence of the accident indicators, and it’s a decreasing trend. Cancel the parking spaces to mark marked sidewalk will make the accident indicators become worse. And it’s the worst in those marked sidewalks alley arrangements. Therefore, if the government wants to cancel parking spaces to mark marked sidewalks, it must consider the road deceleration problem near the intersection at first. Keywords: Taipei neighborhood transportation improvement plan, marked sidewalk, safety of alleys


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