  • 學位論文


Hotspot Analysis of Cold Damage in Milkfish Aquaculture-A Case Study of Tainan City

指導教授 : 張靜貞


近年來因受到資源枯竭、污染加劇等影響,捕撈漁業已無大幅增產的可能性,養殖漁業逐漸成為漁業發展的重心。虱目魚為臺灣最為重要的養殖魚種之一,適應環境能力強、成長快速且營養價值高,從早期便成功發展虱目魚的人工繁養殖技術,被認為是將來解決糧食問題的最佳魚種之一。虱目魚的養殖產地以南臺灣為主,其中又以臺南市的養殖量最高,但天然災害一直是造成漁民損失的主要原因,其中寒害對虱目魚的影響甚大,因其特性對低於15 ⁰C以下氣溫時會逐漸出現損失,低溫發生熱點對虱目魚養殖寒害預防上扮演重要的角色。因此,本研究以虱目魚主要產地臺南市為研究對象,導入各項圖資進行演算,透過空間分析來尋找寒害的熱點,並輔以專家訪談法,瞭解因應寒害對策與產業未來展望。 根據本研究的空間自相關分析之結果,證實虱目魚養殖產業具有群聚性,且透過LISA分析可以發現,虱目魚養殖熱點有往南發展的趨勢,因此,本研究進一步套入氣溫資料後發現,15 ⁰C以下低溫的熱區(High-High)分布位置集中在學甲區、下營區、鹽水區、新營區、後壁區、白河區、柳營區、東山區等八處。而當發生12 ⁰C以下氣溫時,熱區(High-High)之空間分布位置主要集中在下營區、鹽水區、新營區、後壁區、白河區、柳營區、東山區七處;當發生10 ⁰C以下氣溫時,空間群聚現象則較不明顯。專家訪談結果顯示,要突破產業目前之困境必須要突破在地化市場,而低溫寒害的問題可透過政府所實施的智慧農業計畫,導入AI人工智慧及智慧養殖系統做為輔助工具,有助於穩定產量及品質。


In recent years, there is no possibility of a substantial increase in the production of capture fisheries, due to factors such as marine resource depletion and increased pollution. Aquaculture production has gradually become the focus of fishery development. Milkfish is one of Taiwan’s important farmed fish species. It has strong adaptability to the environment, rapid growth rate and high nutritional values. Thus, with successfully developed artificial propagation technologies, milkfish is considered to be one of the best species to solve the food shortage problem in the future. The production of milkfish is highly concentrated in Tainan area in southern Taiwan. Natural disasters have always been the main causes of fishery losses, especially cold damage has a great impact on milkfish. The main reason comes from the ecological characteristics of milkfish. At temperatures below 15 ⁰C, losses will gradually occur. So the hotspot of low temperature plays an important role in preventing the milkfish from cold damage. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a hotspot analysis using geographic information system database and spatial autocorrelation technique. Expert interviews are also conducted to provide countermeasures against cold damage and outlooks on the future prospect of the industry. The spatial autocorrelation of this research confirms that milkfish farming industry is clustered, and it can be found that milkfish farming hotspots tend to develop southward by LISA analysis. Therefore, by further embedding the temperature data, it is found that the high-high hot areas with low temperature below 15 ⁰C are concentrated in Syuejia, Xiaying, Yanshuei, Xinying, Houbi, Baihe, Liouying, and Dongshan Districts. When the temperature is below 12 ⁰C, the spatial distribution of the hot zone (High-High) is mainly concentrated in the Xiaying, Yanshuei, Xinying, Houbi, Baihe, Liouying, and Dongshan Districts. When the temperature is below 10 ⁰C, the phenomenon of spatial clustering is no longer obvious. Experts suggests it is important for the milkfish industry to expand beyond the localized market in order to break the current dilemma. The adoption of smart agriculture and introducing artificial intelligence and smart breeding systems could be very beneficial to the industry to overcome the cold damage problem and to stabilize production and quality of milkfish.


王安翔、龔楚媖、吳宜昭、于宜強,2016。「2016年1月臺灣地區寒害事件彙整與分析」,《國家災害防救科技中心災害防救電子報》。128期。3月15日。(https://www.ncdr.nat.gov.tw/Frontend/DataService/NewsLetter) (2020/2/10)。
