  • 學位論文

應用衝突管理於策略規劃之研究 —南投縣內湖國小遷校個案

A Research on Strategic Planning by Applying the Theory of Conflict Management --- Relocation of Nay-Hu Elementary School in Nan-Tou county case study

指導教授 : 李國忠 邱祈榮


摘要 衝突是多向度、動態的而且無處不在,是複雜、微妙且難以理解的現象,同時是很難下定義的。因之,大部份的人將其定義為「社會衝突」,其範圍可小至人與人之間,大至國際間的人文現象皆屬之。良好的衝突管理必須瞭解衝突,同時應提供一套增加管理者瞭解衝突的分析方法,幫助管理者更清楚的觀察與分析面臨的問題。 本研究以南投縣內湖國小遷校事件為衝突個案,將衝突管理之理論與觀念及策略規劃的分析方法應用在林地衝突管理,將衝突事件分成潛在性衝突階段、感覺衝突階段、認知衝突階段、外顯衝突階段及衝突的結果五個階段,應用策略規劃的七個實施步驟:問題界定、涉事團體界定、歷史案例分析、衝突情境分析、策略規劃決策形成、執行前評估、執行與事後回饋。利用策略規劃方法建立林地衝突管理的分析模式,可有助於決策者採用適當的管理策略,處理林地衝突事件,一步一步的達成規劃目標或管理目的。


Abstract Conflict is multi-dimensional and dynamic. It is ubiquitous in human affairs. As a phenomenon it is also complex, subtle, poorly understood and generally inadequately defined. Most attempts to define it relate to a loosely defined “social conflict”, so that it usually includes the whole range of scales of human phenomena from international to interpersonal. Successful conflict management requires as a prerequisite an understanding of the nature of, and processes involved in. conflict itself. It also requires an appreciation of the mechanisms available to those wishing to manage conflict. This study applying the theories of conflict management and strategic planning to managing national forest lands with an example, the relocation of Nay-Hu elementary school in Nan-Tou county, in analyzing the dynamics conflict event, used the term “five stages of a conflict episode” : (1)latent conflict, (2) perceived conflict, (3) felt conflict, (4) manifest conflict, and (5) conflict aftermath, by applying a seven-step model for strategic regulatory planning: (1)problem recognition, (2)identification of parties, (3)historical analysis, (4)situation analysis, (5)strategic regulation, (6)ex ante review, (7)ex post review/revision. The model encourages policymakers to approach regulation through a tactical, step-by-step process and to link policy formulation with implementation.


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