  • 學位論文


The Impact of International Buyer-supplier Relationship on the Business Growth Model- A Case Study of Taiwan Notebook OEM/ODM Firms

指導教授 : 湯明哲


國內從事筆記型電腦代工的領導廠商-廣達、仁寶、英業達,在一開始接觸筆記型電腦業務時,便發展出兩種截然不同的客戶結構,近年來隨著筆記型電腦的代工毛利日益降低,這三間個案公司也呈現出不同的成長模式,其中早年維持單一客戶結構的英業達,率先進行多角化的佈局,但卻幾乎沒有進行垂直整合,反觀廣達及仁寶,積極垂直整合的意圖則顯得相當明顯;源自於金寶所分出來的三間廠商,在相同的產業環境卻採取不同的成長策略,導引本研究利用個案研究方式,探討這三間個案公司與其代工客戶-戴爾、康柏、惠普之間的交互關係,探討不同客戶結構形成的原因,及不同的客戶結構對代工廠商日後成長佈局的影響。 研究首先拆解筆記型電腦價值鏈,分析上游關鍵零組件廠商及下游國際客戶對個案公司的影響,接著探討三間個案公司在產業價值鏈上的掌握程度,及多角化的佈局,以了解其成長策略意涵,並輔以筆記型電腦產業的國際供應發展歷史,分析造成此差異的歷史因素。 透過個案研究,本研究歸納出以下三點結論:1.筆記型電腦代工廠商之垂直整合及多角化決策受客戶結構所影響;2.品牌廠商與代工廠商彼此相互依賴,代工廠商隨客戶發展調整其生產項目;3.組織多角化成長的抉擇以既有資源結合新興市場機會為主,具有極高的路徑相依特性。


It's well known that three leading notebook ODM firms in Taiwan, Quanta, Compal, and Inventec, demonstrate different characteristics in the customer structure since they started. With diminishing margins in the ODM business, these firms also present distinctly different business growth models. Inventec, maintaining the single customer before, pioneers to diversify instead of vertical integrating. In the contrast, Quanta and Compal aggressively conduct vertical integration to grasp as many parts as possible in value chain. These firms all originate from KINPO, but they run totally different strategies. Such heterogeneity within an industry motivates this research to conduct a case study on these key players (Quanta, Compal, Inventec, Dell, and Compaq) to discuss the determinants of different supply structures and a potential linkage between the supply structure established by subcontractors and the subcontractors’ business growth models. First of all we analyze the difference between up-stream and down-stream firms in the value chain of the notebook industry and how they influence on these ODM firms. Then we try to analyze these ODM firms’ positions in vertical integration and diversification to explore their strategic intention for growth. Our inferences are further supported by historical navigation on the development of international buyer-supplier relationships in this industry. Through this case analysis, we find first, the differences of customer structure may affect subcontractors’ business growth decision. Second, contractors and subcontractors are interdependent, and subcontractors may launch new products to satisfy contractors’ needs. Third, subcontractors’ diversification is subject to exisiting resources and market opportunities, and the whole process is highly path-dependent.


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