  • 學位論文


The Due Process and Substantive Requirements of Urban Land Readjustment by Government

指導教授 : 李建良


公辦市地重劃係透過土地交換分合整理,以提升土地合理利用與促進都市發展,嘗謂「公私互蒙其利」之土地開發方式。然而,近年人民權利意識覺醒,各種土地開發方式爭議不斷,公辦市地重劃亦是其一。從實行重劃之程序不法到欠缺實施重劃之目的與必要性,故本文就公辦市地重劃制度提出立法上之建議。 首先,本文藉由梳理公辦市地重劃之歷史沿革與制度比較,試圖找出我國公辦市地重劃之意義與定位。再者,公辦市地重劃之相關法令不僅體系混亂,更有規範不足之問題,應針對整體制度重新修正檢討,予以完善規定。又公辦市地重劃並非單一行政行為,故本文介紹整體流程,針對影響人民權利重大階段予以定性,提供後續公辦市地重劃程序面與實體面規範討論之基礎。 在程序面上,公辦市地重劃應有正當法律程序之適用。並以公辦市地重劃計畫書之確定、地價評估與土地分配結果公告三者為討論對象,整理大法官解釋意旨與行政程序法之規範,歸納出正當程序之要素-公正作為義務、陳述意見之機會與受告知權,作為構築公辦市地重劃程序規範之基石。於施行公辦市地重劃時,落實正當法律程序之要求,得以兼顧行政決定之正確性與保障重劃地區人民之權利。實體面上,則探討公辦市地重劃之目的何在,透過確認公辦市地重劃之目的,以控制公辦市地重劃作為土地開發手段之範圍。又公辦市地重劃之運作基礎來自受益者負擔原則,故在計算公共設施用地與重劃費用負擔時,應遵守受益比例之界限;又實行公辦市地重劃過程中,亦須適用比例原則。


Urban land readjustment by government is to improve the rational use of land and promote urban development through rearrangement of plots .And it is also known as “win-win “land development method. However, as the idea of protection of fundamental rights has risen, the issues of land development occurred in recent years; the issue of urban land readjustment has been one of the common issues. Firstly, the thesis tries to find the definition and the function of urban land readjustment in Taiwan by reviewing the history of urban land readjustment and by comparing the different methods of land development. Secondly, due to the existent confusing legal structure and also the lack of complete regulation, the regulation system of urban land readjustment shall be comprehensively reviewed and revised. Lastly, urban land readjustment is not a single administrative act; thus the thesis introduces the whole process of operating urban land readjustment, and then defining each period which influences the fundamental rights of individual, hoping to provide a base of subsequent discussion of procedural and substantive regulations of urban land development. The principle of due process shall be applied to the operation urban land development. The thesis discusses the following three issues: the confirmation of urban land readjustment plan, the evaluation of land value, the declaration of the distribution of land. By analyzing the judicial reviews and the administrative procedural law, the thesis finds that the obligation of fair act, giving related individual the opportunity of expressing opinion and protecting the right of being informed are the foundation of designating the regulation system of urban land readjustment. By fulfilling the requirement of due process, to make a balance of the correctness of administrative decisions and guaranteeing the rights of people in the region. On the other hand, confirm the purpose of urban land readjustment to find the limitation of using it as an urban development tool. Since the foundation of urban land readjustment is beneficiary pays principle, it shall be follow the principle during every procedure. Less but not least, in the process of implementing the readjustment, the principle of proportionality must be applied.


李惠宗(2010)。《行政法要義》,5 版。臺北:元照。
