  • 學位論文

公共外交視角下韓國英文新聞對其國家形象之建構-以阿里郎電視台《News Center》為例

How Korean English News Program Construct National Image from a Public Diplomacy Perspective: The Case of Arirang TV "News Center"

指導教授 : 林麗雲


本研究探討在公共外交的脈絡下,肩負對外宣傳國家形象任務的阿里郎電視台如何建構韓國的國家形象。並聚焦在帶狀新聞節目《新聞中心》,探討其報導的主要框架為何?本研究依據國家品牌六邊形概念,將韓國的國家形象歸納為四種框架:先進文化國框架、科技智慧國框架、和平民主國框架、友善交流國框架。並用這四種框架,採用框架分析法對2018年2月1日至2月28日的報導進行檢視。 研究結果發現,與過去影劇呈現的「先進文化國」框架不同,節目主要採取「和平民主國」框架進行報導。此框架主要是選取外交與國內政策為國家形象要素,並藉由三個次級框架:「和平對話追求統一」、「國際間溝通橋樑」以及「民主化國家經驗」,展現南韓是一個愛好和平的民主化國家形象。結論發現,南韓善用平昌冬奧,在不同面向進行國家形象管理和公共外交。


This study aims to understand how South Korea's international broadcasting system constructs a national image of South Korea from a public diplomacy perspective. Based on Anholt and Hildreth’s National Brand Hexagons model, this paper summarized South Korea’s national image into four frameworks: Advanced Cultural Countries, Smart Science and Technology, Peaceful Democracies, and Friendly Communication. Using these frameworks, this paper analyzes the content of "News Center", a TV program on Arirang TV, from February 1, 2018, to February 28, 2018. Unlike the “Advanced Cultural Country” framework which has been used commonly in film and television industry, the “Peaceful Democracy” framework is at the center of Arirang TV reports, composing of three sub-frames: "Peace Dialogue to Pursue Peninsula Unity", "International Communication Bridge" and "Democratized Country Experience", which demonstrates South Korea as a peaceful and democratic country. In conclusion, South Korea took advantage of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the worldwide eye-catching event, to manage its national image and practice public diplomacy from various ways.


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