  • 學位論文


The Similarities and Dissimilarities between Chien and Mou -A Comparative Study on Chien Mu’s and Mou Zongsan’s Hermeneutics of Thought of Zhu Xi

指導教授 : 宋家復


列文森(Joseph R. Levenson, 1920-1969)在其名著《儒家中國及其現代命運》(Confucian China and Its Modern Fate)裡曾有一項斷言,即傳統儒家思想在現代中國、乃至中文社會裡,如同進入博物館一般,只具有被欣賞的價值,不再有實際的社會文化意義。雖然學術界對此說法保持很大的質疑,但本論文在問題意識上仍受此觀點的「啟發」。本論文不完全同意儒家思想已經與其原生的社會文化徹底中斷了聯繫,但亦無法贊同一種對現代儒學複雜狀況視而不見、單方面強調儒家文化「本質」與現代中國社會之間有著某種神祕不可斷裂的宣稱。然而,我的不同意並非徹底的否認,而是呼喚一種對此問題更複雜的考慮。因此,本論文決定採取個案研究,將以錢穆和牟宗三的朱子思想詮釋為例,研究兩位現代學者是如何詮釋朱熹思想。本文不只展示出兩位學者在朱子思想詮釋史上的特殊性,更是為了研究他們對傳統思想的詮釋與當代之間的關係。   第一章討論了中國思想或哲學領域中「詮釋」的問題性,進而延伸到詮釋研究的方法論問題。據此,在第一章後半部分討論高達美(Hans-Georg Gadamer, 1900-2002)詮釋哲學,以說明本論文整體的方法與架構。第二章則將視野提升至宏觀的層面,企圖對南宋以降、直到現代的朱子思想詮釋做出概覽式說明之外,我試著找出錢穆和牟宗三在1960年代末、70年代初出版的《朱子新學案》與《心體與性體》的詮釋基礎。第三章則來到錢穆和牟宗三進行各自朱子詮釋時的不同時空-戰後海外。所謂戰後海外指的是1949年全球進入冷戰時期以後(時間)的港台之間(空間)。在第三章中,我試著指出在這個時期發生兩個關鍵性的轉變,形成了兩位學者重新詮釋朱子思想的基礎。第四章根據上述三章的基礎,重新檢視錢穆和牟宗三在《朱子心學案》與《心體與性體》的詮釋。我試著證明兩位學者的新詮釋及其衍生的種種詮釋衝突,不只是對文本更精密、卻不盡相同的解讀所致,更與兩位學者如何面對他們所在的生活世界息息相關。


Joseph Levenson (1920-1969), in his famous work, Confucian China and Its Modern Fate, claimed that traditional Confucianism had been “museumified” in modern China and Chinese society, serving only as a storehouse of values and inspiration, without any practical social application or use. Although many scholars have questioned this Levensonian argument, this thesis takes Levenson’s main proposition as a point of department. This thesis does not maintain that there simply was a total departure from Confucianism in regards to modern Chinese society, nor does it hold a naïve attitude which often claims there to be a mysteriously self-evident continuum between the “essence” of Confucian culture and modern Chinese society. While I do not thoroughly deny the two premises above, this work calls for a more nuanced consideration of the problem at hand. Therefore, this thesis adopts two case studies, Chien Mu and Mou Zongsan’s hermeneutical interpretations of Zhu Xi’s though. The aim of this thesis is not only to reveal the uniqueness of their interpretations and their contributions to the hermeneutic history of Zhu Xi’s thought, but it is also to inquire into the deep relationship between their new interpretations and the time in which they lived. In Chapter 1, I test the application of “hermeneutics” to Chinese intellectual and philosophical inquiry, further demonstrating the lack of attention paid to the hermeneutical dimensions of these fields. Subsequently, I outline Hans-Georg Gadamer’s hermeneutic philosophy, before incorporating his main principles into my research methodology and argument structure. In Chapter 2, which gives an overview of the long-term development of interpretative scholarship on Zhu Xi, I illustrate the hermeneutical foundations on which Chien Mu’s《朱子新學案》and Mou Zongsan’s《心體與性體》were written in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In Chapter 3, I shift to a different time and place in which Chien Mu and Mou Zongsan formulated their interpretations, focusing on the postwar era in Hong Kong and Taiwan respectively. It was this overseas climate in specific that allowed both scholars to confront the two crucial transformations which formed the new base of reinterpretations of Zhu Xi’s thought. In Chapter 4, based on the assertions and arguments in the former three chapters, I investigate the interpretative work of《朱子新學案》and《心體與性體》. I maintain that these two new interpretations and their subsequent effects not only stem from more precise readings and analysis of classical texts, but also originate from how these two modern scholars conceived of the world they lived in.


