  • 學位論文

主辦會計人員角色衝突對內部審核工作品質之影響 -以行政院所屬一、二級機關為例

The Impact of Accountants' Conflicting Roles on the Quality of Internal Audit Work: A Study of First and Second Level Administrative Organs of Taiwan's Executive Yuan

指導教授 : 辛炳隆


我國為澄清吏治,樹立廉能政治,於1930年獨創在組織管理上採「一條鞭」,指揮體系上採「雙首長制」的主計制度。在此制度下,主計人員除肩負中央主計機關所賦予之任務,負責駐在機關財務之審核監督外,尚需扮演機關首長之財務幕僚角色,襄助機關達成組織目標,因此如果中央主計機關與駐在機關對主計人員的角色期望不一致,或機關其他單位對主計人員的角色期望與其個人之價值觀或自我期望有所不同,就會使得主計人員產生角色衝突。 而主辦會計人員身為駐在機關會計部門主管,領導會計同仁執行主計業務,又需受上級主計機關及駐在機關首長之指揮,故其如發生角色衝突對會計部門業務推展影響最鉅,可能致使會計部門的工作士氣低落,進而影響內部審核工作的品質,另外該影響程度是否會隨著機關人事費占其預算規模比率之高低,而有所不同。由於國內外尚無針對主辦會計人員角色衝突對內部審核工作品質之影響的實證研究,故本文特以此為研究主題。 本研究採用Rizzo et al.在1970年所發展的角色衝突量表作為測量主辦會計人員角色衝突程度的工具,並依其設計將角色衝突分為四個構面,問卷對象為行政院所屬一、二級機關主辦會計人員。至於內部審核工作品質則以審計部派員抽查上開機關年度財務收支或決算之審核通知所列事項之項數,按權重加總後再除以其歲出預算總額,所得出之數值為衡量工具。 經將問卷資料與審計部審核通知事項建立迴歸模型,並採用階層迴歸分析驗證結果發現: 一、角色傳遞者對主辦會計人員的角色期待與其自我價值觀或處事原則有落差而產生的衝突對內部審核工作品質有顯著的負向影響,該影響會隨人事費占機關歲出預算比率增加而更顯著。 二、主辦會計人員擁有的時間、資源或能力與組織期待之間存在差異所產生的衝突對內部審核工作品質有顯著的正向影響。


The “single whip system” (evaluation, employment and promotion of the staff is decided by the central government agency instead of the head of the orgnization) in organization management combined with the “two-head system”in the commnad system is a unique administration arrangment of the government of the Republic of China. Under this condition, the accountants are playing both the roles of financial auditor and the financial staff of the head of the organization. As a result, a conflict of roles ariese when there is a difference between the central accounting agency and the organization where the accounts are stationed for the expection on the role of the chief accountants. This study mainly adresses the impact of the conflict of the roles of thea chief accountants of first and second-level organizations under the Executive Yuan on the quality of internal audit, and whether the impact varies with ratio of the staff cost in the annual budget. Two things were found after hierarchical regression analysis was conducted on the information collected: 1.A significant negative impact on the quality of internal audit exists with the conflict which arises when there is a difference between the expectation of the role of the chief accountant and the self-value of the role sender. The impact becomes more evident as the ratio of staff cost in the organiation’s budget increases. 2.A significant positive impact on the quality of internal audit exists when the time, resources, or ability of the chief accountant is different from what the organization expects.




許聖賢(2014)。政風人員角色衝突之研究 -以鄉(鎮、市)公所為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.10601
