  • 學位論文


The Application of M-Police Log Recording: Research on the Social Network of Criminals

指導教授 : 唐代彪
共同指導教授 : 鄧志松(Chih-Sung Teng)


在資通訊技術的進步下,警方現行執行勤務所使用的警用行動載具M-Police,可透過各項警政APP輔助員警各項警察任務,由於M-Police是員警執勤時的必要裝備,故其查詢之日誌紀錄即為員警的攔查或臨檢的紀錄歷程,且其後台查詢紀錄亦包含時間及座標位置,資料具有深入分析的價值。 本研究利用員警的盤查紀錄建立犯罪者的社會接觸網絡,再以故意殺人、竊盜、毒品、詐欺、賭博、槍砲刀械及妨害性自主案件等犯罪類型,建立各犯罪類型之社會接觸網絡,以社會網絡分析(Social Network Analysis,SNA)對不同犯罪類型之網絡進行驗證分析,透過分析網絡的密度(Density)及群聚係數(Clustering coefficient)探討網絡的凝聚程度(Cohesion),以及分析不同犯罪角色的連線中心性(Degree Centrality)、介數中心性(Betweenness Centrality)及接近中心性(Closeness Centrality)等中心性指標,探討不同犯罪角色在網絡中的呈現特性。 研究結果發現,不同犯罪類型所形成之網絡型態大相逕庭,在傳統暴力犯罪類型中,犯罪者之間並未發現接觸紀錄,故社會網絡分析針對此犯罪類型,可提供刑案偵查或犯罪預防之效果有限。但在毒品及詐欺犯罪中,不同犯罪者之間接觸的情形複雜。毒品犯罪角色不同,則網絡中呈現的樣貌也有所差異,其中以毒品施用者最積極與他人建立關係,毒品犯罪角色位階越高,其網絡的連線中心性及介數中心性呈現越低,接近中心性越高,代表高階毒品犯罪者雖然盡量減少與其他節點接觸,但卻身處網絡的中心,具備獨立性;而詐欺犯罪者呈現恰好與毒品犯罪者相反,犯罪角色位階越高,連線中心性及介數中心性呈現越高,接近中心性越低,代表低階詐欺犯罪者大多各自為政,反倒是高階詐欺犯罪者基於犯罪需要,必須與其他犯罪者建立關係。


Due to the advancement of information and communication technology, M-Police, currently used by the police to perform everyday duties, can assist police officers in numerous police tasks through various apps. Since the M-Police is necessary for police officers on duty, the log records of the query are the records of the police's interception or inspection, and its background include time and coordinate position. Therefore In-depth analysis to this data are highly valued. This research used the police investigation records to establish the social contact network of criminals, and then establishes social contacts for each type of crimes, such as intentional homicide, theft, drugs, fraud, gambling, guns and knives, and cases of obstructing sexual autonomy. IT used Social Network Analysis to verify and analyze the network of different types of crimes, analyzed the density and the clustering coefficient of the network to explore the degree of network cohesion, and analyzed Centrality indicators such as Degree Centrality, Betweenness Centrality and Closeness Centrality of different criminal roles to explore the revealing characteristics of different criminal roles in the network. The results of the study found that the style of networks form by different types of crimes are so different. In the types of traditional violent crimes, no contact records were found between offenders. Social network analysis can neither provide information on criminal investigation nor crime prevention for this type of crime, the effect is limited. However, in the case of drug and fraud crimes, the interacting between different offenders are complex. The appearances of different roles in the drug crime performance differently. Drug users prefer to establish relationships most proactively. The higher the rank of the drug crime role is, the lower Degree Centrality and Betweenness Centrality it shows. The higher Closeness Centrality presents that although the higher-level drug criminals try to minimize contact with other nodes, they are in the center of the network with independence. Fraud offenders, however, appear to be the exact opposite of drug offenders. The higher the rank of the drug crime role is, the higher Degree Centrality and Betweenness Centrality it shows. The lower Closeness Centrality presents that Low-level fraud offenders mostly act on their own, but high-level fraud offenders must establish relationships with other offenders based on criminal needs.


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