  • 學位論文


A Study on the Transition of Terrain Related Settlement Toponyms in Taiwan

指導教授 : 賴進貴


地名是人們給予一地的名稱,常反映該地的地理環境、人文活動、歷史文化等特徵。臺灣的地形崎嶇多樣,是重要的地方特徵,是以有許多聚落名稱與地形有關。隨著時代和環境的變遷,有許多地名發生改變甚至消失,這些變遷隱涵人類活動、生活環境及兩者之間關係的變化,值得研究探討。本研究透過比對1904年的臺灣堡圖及2003年第四版經建版地形圖,就兩個不同時期地圖所收錄的聚落地名,探討百年來臺灣地形類聚落地名分布及數量變化,並配合數值高程模型(DEM)及河川水系資料,分析各種地形地名的自然環境特徵,探討這些自然環境因素對地名傳承的可能影響。 本研究所使用地名資料取自於中央研究院地理資訊研究中心,為該中心就兩套地圖進行數位化建檔的成果。研究工作首先進行地名資料處理,就堡圖中的異體字或亂碼進行人工比對與更正,以便於和經建版地形圖得以比對。之後就臺灣堡圖所收錄的約一萬則聚落地名中,篩選出其中出現次數最多的18種地形地名挑選出來進行分析,最終挑選出3104筆地形地名。本研究利用地理資訊系統工具,分析堡圖上的地形地名是否傳承到經建版地形圖。 研究結果顯示約30%的地形地名順利傳承,約有14%的地名呈現不同類型的改變,其餘則完全消失。本研究針對地名改變與消失的原因進行探討,歸納出主要的改變類別包括:同音不同字、省略部分字元(庄、仔或地形地名)、雅化、出現在非聚落地名等類別,並分析這些地形類聚落地名變遷的空間分布特性。針對地名所在位置的地形起伏加以分析,本研究發現崎嶇度最大的五個地形地名:嶺、坑、窩、坪、湖等,是傳承比例最高的五個,崎嶇度最低的五個地形地名:洲、溝、埤、港、湳,為傳承比例偏低的地名,顯示地形崎嶇度和地名傳承之間的關係。針對與河流距離遠近的分析,研究發現溪、洲等地形地名距離河道的最短距離相比其他地形地名低,且沒有傳承的聚落地名相比有傳承者距離河道較遠。本研究結合地名資料庫和地理資訊工具進行地名變遷分析,在研究議題設定和研究方法上都具有創新意義,為地名研究提供新的取徑。


A place name is a name given to a place, often reflecting its geographical environment, human activities, history and culture. The rugged and diverse topography is an important local feature of Taiwan, thus many settlement names are related to the topography. The evolutions of toponyms imply changes in human activities, living environment, and the relationship between the two, which are worth of studying. This research aims to explore the transition of settlement toponyms related to topographic features over the past hundred years. By comparing the settlement toponyms of 1904 Taiwan Historical Topographic Maps (1904 臺灣堡圖) and the 2004 National Topographic Maps(2003 經建版地形圖), the changes of these toponyms in terms of amount, distribution, and types of changes are being explored. The toponymic data used in this study are obtained from the Academia Sinica. The research work starts with processing of settlement toponyms by manually matching and correcting original data, followed by selecting the 18 most common topographic keywords from the toponym dataset. As a result, 3104 topographic-related toponyms were selected for further analysis. This study used GIS tools to analyze whether the topographic names on the 1904 maps were inherited from the 2003 topographic map. The results show that about 30% of the topographic names were successfully inherited, another 14% show different types of changes, and the rest of them disappeared completely. This study investigates the reasons for the change and disappearance of these toponyms and summarizes the main types of changes. The toponyms containing the five topographic keywords with most rugged characteristics, such as: ridge(嶺), valley(坑/窩), shoulder(坪), and lake(湖) are also mostly inherited, while toponyms with lowest ruggedness, such as: sandbank(洲), watercourse(溝), pond(埤), port(港), and pit(湳) are less inherited. The relation between of percentages of inheritance and distance to rivers or streams were also identified in this research. In general, distance to the rivers and percentage of inheritance is not correlated among toponyms with the 18 most common topographic keywords. On the other hand, for toponyms related to drainage systems, such as containing river(溪) and sandbank(洲), toponyms with shorter distance to rivers shows higher inheritance rate. This study explores the changes of settlement toponyms using digital dataset and spatial analysis tools. The results show such innovative approach is promising in terms of widening the research area of toponymic study.


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