  • 學位論文


Optical Characteristic and Reliability Analysis of Thin Film Solar Cell

指導教授 : 劉致為


本論文中,探討非晶矽基薄膜太陽能電池之光學特性及可靠度分析及關於市售之Sharp及Kaneka非微晶堆疊薄膜太陽能電池之逆向工程研究。 從戶外量測結果可以得知:在溫度上升時,太陽能電池之開路電壓會上升、短路電流會下降。在照度上升時,填充分子因為會因為並聯電阻之自身偏壓而降低。亦可從戶外量測及太陽能電池模擬中得知當太陽能電池在組成模組時是以先並聯之後再串聯的方式組成時太陽電池中的遮蔽效應會比較低。 由太陽能電池外部量子效率量測系統中得知太陽能電池在不同波長範圍的吸光能力。從外部量子效率量測頻譜對頻譜積分,可以計算太陽能電池的等效短路電流,也可以從外部量子效率量測頻譜中的穗狀圖形中計算太陽能電池的等效厚度。 最後我們量測Sharp非微晶堆疊薄膜太陽能電池之可靠度。我們發現Sharp非微晶堆疊薄膜太陽能電池之效率在三天半之光暴曬測試下,從10.08%衰減到9.088%,相對效率衰減了大約10%之後再持續照光就呈穩定狀態。再施加了-1.0V的逆向偏壓以及五倍強度之太陽模擬光源照射下持續三十分鐘之後,衰減後的太陽能電池的短路電流可以恢復到接近初始之短路電流。


In this thesis, the optical characteristic, reliability of thin film amorphous based solar cells and reverse engineering of commercial Sharp and Kaneka thin film micromorph (α-Si/μc-Si) tandem solar cells from Sharp and Kaneka are discussed. According to the outdoor measurement results, we find that VOC decreases and ISC increases with increasing temperature and FF drops with increasing irradiance due to the self-bias effect of shunt resistance. We also find that the shadow effect of solar cell is not so serious when the solar cells in module are in parallel first and then in series from outdoor measurement and simulation results. We setup the external quantum efficiency (EQE) measurement system to know the wavelength dependent absorbing ability of the solar cell so that we can calculate the equivalent JSC from EQE and light source spectra and the equivalent thickness from the fringe shapes of EQE spectrum. Finally, we measure the reliability of micromorph (α-Si/μc-Si) tandem solar cell form Sharp. We find that the efficiency degraded degrade relatively ~ 10% from 10.08% to 9.088% by light soaking for 3.5 days, and then keep in stable. The JSC of the degraded solar cell can be fully recovered to initial value with a reverse bias voltage -1.0V and 5X suns light illumination in 30 minutes.


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