  • 學位論文


Effects of Medium Properties and Cultivation on Growth of Green Roof Plants

指導教授 : 張育森


薄層綠屋頂以維持植物生長並達到低維護管理為目標,除了應選用適用於屋頂環境生長的植物種類外,介質條件亦扮演重要的角色。故本研究首先探討於臺灣北部氣候環境下適用之薄層綠屋頂介質特性及其相配合之維管方式,接著再進一步探討使用臺灣本土性介質 (水陶石) 或椰纖取代傳統介質與介質添加物 (如保水劑、植生沸石) 對綠屋頂植物生育之影響,最後再探討砂質壤土添加釋氧物質之可行性。藉由觀察植物生育表現以瞭解適用於臺灣北部春季氣候環境下之薄層綠屋頂介質特性及在不同給水條件中應搭配何種介質,針對薄荷 (Mentha sppiperita)、紅毛莧 (Acalypha pendula)、繁星花 (Pentas lanceolata)、麒麟花 (Euphorbia milii)、圓葉景天 (Sedum makinoi) 及白佛甲 (Sedum lineare ‘Variegatum’) 以三種介質配比 (泥炭苔:蛭石:真珠石 = 2:2:1、2:2:2、2:2:4 (v/v/v),代號分別為PVP221、PVP222、PVP224) 及三種灌溉頻度:未灌溉 (NI)、低頻度灌溉 (LFI,10分鐘/1次/1週)及高頻度灌溉(HFI,10分鐘/2次/1週) 進行試驗,結果顯示:使用保水性較佳介質PVP221,以NI及LFI處理可使薄荷、紅毛莧及繁星花生長較佳;使用通氣性較佳介質PVP224,薄荷生長於有無灌溉處理間之生長表現皆較差,紅毛莧及繁星花則於灌溉處理表現較佳,高低頻度間無顯著差異。麒麟花、圓葉景天及白佛甲則於介質與灌溉處理間無顯著差異。 以本土性介質水陶石取代部分或全部進口介質對綠屋頂植物生育之影響,針對花蔓草 (Aptenia cordifolia)、蔓花生 (Arachis duranensis)、鋪地錦竹草Tradescantia minima) 以四種混合介質:1-PCh11 (1-P:水陶石 = 1:1)、1-PCh21 (1-P:水陶石 = 2:1)、PVCh411 (泥炭苔:蛭石:水陶石 = 4:1:1) 及PVP222進行試驗,結果顯示:花蔓草、蔓花生及鋪地錦竹草以水分及EC值較高之介質PVCh411處理植株乾重較重。接著探討施肥及添加保水劑於水陶石混合介質對綠屋頂植物生育之影響,針對小葉到手香 (Plectranthus socotranum) 以五種混合介質:PCh11 (泥炭苔:水陶石 = 1:1)、PCh31 (泥炭苔:水陶石 = 3:1)、Ch (水陶石)、Ch+Mix-AS (水陶石與保水劑粉劑混合)、Ch+Bottom-AS (水陶石底部添加保水劑濕劑) 配合兩種肥培處理:NF (未施肥) 及F (每週施用一次peter’s 20-20-20 ) 進行試驗,結果顯示:未施肥處理下,小葉到手香以EC值較高之介質Ch+Bottom-AS處理植株乾重較重;施肥處理下,以保水保肥性佳之PCh31介質處理植株乾重較重。水陶石介質雖具有良通氣性,但保水性及保肥性差,且pH值高,因此,可與保水性較高之泥炭苔或保水劑混合施用效果較佳。以環保觀點考量,探討椰纖取代泥炭苔,及添加植生沸石之可行性,針對越橘葉蔓榕 (Ficus vaccinioides) 以四種混合介質:PCh31、CCh31 (椰纖:水陶石 = 3:1)、CCh31+Z (95% CCh31椰纖混合介質+ 5 %植生沸石) 及PVP222 配合三種肥培管理 (分別添加0、1.5、3 g•L-1緩效性肥料) 進行試驗,結果顯示:不同肥培處理下,介質PCh31與CCh31之植株生育表現無顯著差異,此外CCh31+Z與CCh31比,對植株生育表現於各肥培處理間無顯著差異,但會降低植株生長表現指數。最後針對通氣性較差之介質,評估釋氧物質於栽培使用之可行性。針對花蔓草及越橘葉蔓榕以砂質壤土混合介質添加不同劑量 (0、0.1、0.5、1.0 g•L-1) 釋氧物質進行試驗,結果顯示添加0.1至1.0 g•L-1釋氧物質短期內並不會影響植物生長,但可提高介質pH值、EC值,及降低硬度。總而言之,理想的薄層綠屋頂栽培介質除需具備適當通氣性 (充氣孔隙度 > 10%),若兼具良好保水性 (容器容水量 > 35%),即可減少給水頻度,以維持植物生長並達到低維護管理之目的;若需植物生長良好,可選用EC值達最低限度 (EC值 > 0.05 dS•m-1) 之混合介質如PCh31或施用肥料,若需施肥建議每升介質施用1.5克緩效性肥料即可。


The objective of extensive green roofs is to maintain plant growth with low-maintenance management. Besides using suitable plant species, it is crucial to select a suitable medium. Therefore, this study firstly investigated the effects of the medium and irrigation frequency on extensive green roofs under the north Taiwan’s climate, and further evaluated the effects of ceramic hydrous media, coir or medium amendments (such as hydrogels and zeoponics) on the growth of green roof plants. In addition, the feasibility of using oxygen-releasing compound (ORC) in a sandy loam-based medium was also explored. The effects of the medium and irrigation frequency on extensive green roofs under the north Taiwan’s climate were investigated. Mentha sppiperita, Acalypha pendula, Pentas lanceolata, Euphorbia milii, Sedum makinoi and Sedum lineare ‘Variegatum’ were grown in three growing mix [peat moss : vermiculite : perlite = 2:2:1, 2:2:2, 2:2:4 (v/v/v), named PVP221, PVP222, PVP224, respectively] under three irrigation frequencies [no irrigation (NI), low frequency irrigation (LFI, 10 minutes watering once a week), high frequency irrigation (HFI, 10 minutes watering twice a week )]. The results indicated that using a growing mix with high water-holding capacity (PVP221) enabled Mentha sppiperita, Acalypha pendula, and Pentas lanceolata to grow better under NI or LFI treatments. Using a growing mix with high aeration (PVP224) enabled Acalypha pendula and Pentas lanceolata to grow better under LFI or HFI treatments, but Mentha sppiperita to grow worse. No significant difference was observed for Euphorbia milii, Sedum makinoi, and Sedum lineare ‘Variegatum’ among all medium and irrigation treatments. The feasibility of using a local medium (ceramic hydrous media) to replace the imported media on the growth of green roof plants was evaluated. Aptenia cordifolia, Arachis duranensis, and Tradescantia minima were grown in four growing mix [1-PCh11 (1-P : ceramic hydrous media = 1:1), 1-PCh21 (1-P : ceramic hydrous media = 2:1), PVCh411 (peat moss : vermiculite : ceramic hydrous media = 4:1:1), and PVP222] under low-maintenance management. The results indicated that using a growing mix with higher water-holding capacity and electrical conductivity (PVCh411) enabled Aptenia cordifolia, Arachis duranensis, and Tradescantia minima to have more dry weight. The effects of ceramic hydrous and hydrogel amendment under various fertilization treatments on the growth of green roof plants was evaluated. Plectranthus socotranum was grown in five growing mix [PCh11 (peat moss : ceramic hydrous media = 1:1), PCh31 (peat moss : ceramic hydrous media = 3:1), Ch (ceramic hydrous media), Ch+Mix-AS (ceramic hydrous mixed with 3 g•L-1 Alcosorb®), and Ch+Bottom-AS (with 3 g•L-1 Alcosorb® placed under medium )] under two fertilization treatments [NF (no fertilization), F (200 ppm N from Peter’s 20-20-20, once a week)]. The results indicated that using a growing mix with higher electrical conductivity (Ch+Bottom-AS) enabled Plectranthus socotranum to have more dry weight under NF treatment. However, using a growing mix with higher water-holding capacity and cation exchange capacity (PCh31) enabled Plectranthus socotranum to have more dry weight under F treatment. Ceramic hydrous has higher aeration, but lower water-holding capacity and cation exchange capacity, and higher pH; therefore, it should be mixed with a higher water-holding capacity medium, such as peat moss or hydrogels. Considering the environmental sustainability, we explored the feasibility of peat moss being replaced by coir and adding zeoponics amendment. Ficus vaccinioides was grown in four growing mix [PCh31, CCh31 (coir : ceramic hydrous media = 3:1), CCh31+Z (95% CCh31 + 5% zeoponics), PVP222] under three fertilization treatments (slow-releasing fertilizer at rate of 0, 1.5, or 3 g•L-1). The results indicated that Ficus vaccinioides grown in PCh31 and CCh31 had no significant difference under various fertilization treatments. Ficus vaccinioides also had no significant difference between that was grown in CCh31+Z and CCh31. Finally, the feasibility of using ORC in a medium with inferior aeration was explored. Aptenia cordifolia and Ficus vaccinioides were grown with a sandy loam-based medium incorporated with 0, 0.1, 0.5, or 1.0 g•L-1 ORC. The overall plant growth did not exhibit a significant difference when 0.1-1.0 g•L-1 ORC was incorporated with the medium for two months. But the pH and electrical conductivity of the medium were higher, the hardness of the medium was lower. In conclusion, a suitable extensive green roof medium should have proper aeration (air-filled porosity > 10%) and excellent water-holding capacity (container capacity > 35%), it can reduce the irrigation frequency to maintain plant growth and achieve the low-maintenance management. To achieve optimal plant growth, the growing mix should have the minimal electrical conductivity (electrical conductivity > 0.05 dS•m-1), such as PCh31, or application of fertilizers is preferable. The application of 1.5 g of slow-releasing fertilizer per liter of medium is recommended.


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