  • 學位論文


Strategic Groups, Performance, and Development in Taiwan’s OTC Pharmaceutical Industry

指導教授 : 游張松


研究摘要 台灣OTC藥品市場在中央健保局宣佈取消一千多項指示用藥健保給付政策,廠商們預期市場將有大幅成長機會;本研究基於此項動機,透過探討台灣OTC藥品市場策略群組之競爭結構及未來可能的發展,以提供廠商未來發展及後續研究之參考。研究過程中,本研究參考Cool在美國製藥業策略群研究中所使用之「範疇投入」及「資源投入」兩構面,發展出5項產品類別變數、3項通路策略變數,及1項廣告投入變數;此9項變數之衡量乃根據IMS及AC Nielsen之調查統計資料;本研究採縱貫性研究(longitudinal study),資料期間為2001~2004。 本研究以兩階段集群分析進行策略群組分群,第一階段以層次集群法(Hierarchical method)之華德法(Ward’s)決定群組數,第二階段再透過非層次集群法(Non-Hierarchical method)之K-均值法(K-mean )進行分群;過程中共進行兩次集群分析,第一次集群分析以銷售總額佔總市場80%之91家廠商為樣本,結果每年均有60多家廠商落在同一群組,此群組由於廠商數過多,異常值(outlier)可能較多,再加上平均數值偏低,導致此群組特色不易解釋,且群組內的廠商市佔率均不及1%,判斷對市場影響力不大;因此乃將這些廠商捨去,再以剩下的25家廠商進行第二次集群分析,結果得到6個策略群組。最後透過無母數統計分析之克-瓦二氏單因子等級變異數分析(Kruskall Wallis non-parametric one-way ANOVA)進行群組間績效差異分析,以市場佔有率為績效變數,分析結果顯示6個策略群組間存在著顯著差異。 本研究在結論中描繪出台灣OTC藥品市場策略群組之競爭結構,並嘗試透過探討因取消健保給付及全球趨勢對台灣OTC藥品市場可能產生之影響,進一步推論各策略群組未來可能之策略發展。研究過程中,部份變數因資料取得不易未能涵蓋,此為本研究之限制;因此本研究文末亦提出幾項後續研究之方向及建議。


Abstract Strategic Groups, Performance, and Development in Taiwan’s OTC Pharmaceutical Industry Recently, the Bureau of National Health Insurance Administration of Taiwan government has announced a policy of de-reimbursement of over 1,000 items of OTC pharmaceuticals. It is projected that the new policy will help drive growth of the long stagnating Taiwan OTC pharmaceutical industry in the near future. In addition, the global trends of self-medication and aging society will also enhance the business as well. Strategic group analysis has been proved to be a useful tool to analyze industrial competition and a number of empirical studies on pharmaceutical industry have been conducted by professionals in different regions. This paper also uses strategic group analysis to identify strategic groups within Taiwan OTC pharmaceutical industry. Based on the two major strategic aspects (scope and resource commitments) used in Cool’s study on US pharmaceutical industry, this study develops 9 variables for the two-step cluster analysis combining Ward’s method and K-mean method for analyzing 25 companies comprising 47% of total OTC sales in Taiwan market. The research outcome confirms the presence of 6 strategic groups across the period studied, from 2001 to 2004, in Taiwan OTC pharmaceutical industry and shows the statistically significant differences on performance as measured by market share between strategic groups. Thereafter, this paper then tries to describe different strategic groups and extrapolates the possible strategic alternatives and future development direction of the groups within Taiwan OTC pharmaceutical industry.


13. 藥事法,民國94年02月05日修正
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