  • 學位論文


Usage of Nonverbal Communication in Mobile Communication Applications - The Case of LINE Stickers

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


在高科技的年代,智慧型手機逐漸在這社會上普及,也造就了行動通訊軟體的誕生,讓人與人之間透過手機聯絡的方法更多元。除了傳統的撥打電話和發送簡訊方式,行動通訊軟體可以透過連上網路的方式,不須透過電信業者來與其他使用者撥打網路電話和傳送訊息,與電腦的即時通訊程式有著類似原理之處。這類行動通訊軟體隨著智慧型手機的普及,越來越多軟體製造商開發出來,在軟體市場上也越來越競爭。面對這樣的態勢,開發商須更瞭解使用者的實際需求,才能在這市場上佔據優勢。 本研究以行動通訊軟體的貼圖訊息為研究標的,以有使用過行動通訊軟體之使用者作為研究對象,採取網路問卷之型式,調查使用者的貼圖使用行為。由於過去鮮少有相關文獻研究使用貼圖之行為,本研究將參考過去學者對即時通訊程式的表情符號之相關研究架構,進行修改後套用至本研究,並採用LISREL線性結構關係模式為主要分析數據方法,藉此探討正負向情緒、人際關係強度、虛擬化身、人際影響敏感度、資訊豐富度、自我揭露、親密性與貼圖使用行為之間的影響效果。 本研究證實正負向情緒、虛擬化身和人際影響敏感度會影響使用貼圖之行為,其中負向情緒為反向關係,其餘皆為正向;此使用行為會進一步影響資訊豐富度、自我揭露和親密性,亦為正向關係。研究結論可歸納為使用者的情緒狀態會影響貼圖的使用,處於正向情緒時會增加,反之則減少;貼圖在使用上亦可幫助與他人建立人際關係,增加情誼和親密性;貼圖也宛如一般商品,會受其它使用者的口碑影響,貼圖甚至能給使用者角色扮演之體驗。貼圖製作商可以從這些研究結論中思考貼圖的製作方式,以討取使用者的喜愛,進而在這市場上取得競爭優勢。


The smartphone has progressed by little and little and become popular in high-tech era as well as mobile communication applications (Apps). People can use more methods of communicating with each other. Besides traditional phone and SMS, users can call other people or send messages by connecting to the Internet without telecom’s services. The fundamental system is similar to instant messaging (IM). More and more mobile communication apps are developed and prevalent. Also, this app market becomes competitive. Facing the competition, the developers must realize what the customers exactly need in order to create competitive advantages in the market. This study focuses on the sticker message which is a kind of functions mobile communication apps offer. This research collects data on online questionnaire and investigates the respondents’ behavior of using stickers. The respondents are the users with the experience using communication software before. Because of few previous related researches, this paper refers to the previous studies of IM. After modifying, apply them to this study. The main research method is constructing suitable LISREL model to explore the effects and the relations with positive emotion, negative emotion, friendship, avatar, susceptibility to interpersonal influence, information richness, self-disclosure, intimacy and behavior of using stickers. This study verifies that there has the relationship between the behavior and the latent exogenous variables, positive emotion, negative emotion, avatar, and susceptibility to interpersonal influence. Among these factors, they have positive effects on behavior, but the negative emotion has negative one. Furthermore, the behavior leads to other positive effects on the latent endogenous variables, information richness, self-disclosure and intimacy. To sum up, when users feel positive emotions, they tend to use more stickers and vice versa. Sending stickers can help people building friendship and increasing intimacy. The stickers can also be influenced by word-of-mouth as well as most common goods. The stickers can further offer users the feeling of cosplay. The developers can refer to these determinants when designing new stickers, and finally, attract more users and create competitive advantages in the market.


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Guo, J. M. (2016). LINE企業贊助貼圖對使用者下載與廣告溝通之影響 [master's thesis, Chung Yuan Christian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700026
