  • 學位論文


Conflicts in International Construction Joint Venture-Theory and Empirical Evidence

指導教授 : 荷世平


隨全球化、自由化的趨勢,企業經營的環境愈來愈多變與複雜,為了因應此一環境,企業持續建構與提昇其能力,是維繫競爭優勢不可缺少的條件。在眾多的學習機制中,國際合資(International Joint Venture,IJV)為組織取得知識、風險分散、達成規模經濟和進入市場的主要捷徑(shortcut)之一。然而,國際合資因涉及到不同種族文化、政治、經濟,是一種較為特殊的組織形式。而在我國正式成為WTO會員後,不再設限外商進入我國營造市場,而且承認其在國外的經營實績。只要外商與國內營造公司合作,便可直接參與投標。未來在營建市場上,企業的合作與競爭將會更加白熱化。   本研究以營建跨國聯合承攬專案為中心,首先文獻回顧了各種不同的組織衝突理論,找出適用於營建業特殊性的理論。而後討論衝突時不單純只討論組織內部人員衝突,更加入了組織間因策略互動問題而產生的衝突因素,並依據前述的文獻探討提出6項導致營建業跨國聯合承攬衝突原因的假說,其影響組織內衝突包含母公司認同、角色模糊和資訊分享,而影響組織間衝突包含組織配適度、專案控制和母公司學習需求。最後再經由發放29份問卷(內含11間公司、16位專案負責人或公司代表)去做實證分析,以驗證假說是否正確。組織內之實證結果為母公司認同和關係衝突呈負相關,而資訊分享和關係衝突呈正相關。母公司認同和角色模糊對任務衝突呈正相關。組織間之實證結果則為組織配適和社會控制對組織間衝突呈負相關,正式控制則對組織間衝突呈正相關。


With globalization and liberalization, the business environment become more varied and complex. Companies should build and enhance its ability to maintain a competitive advantage is an indispensable condition. In numerous learning methods, international joint venture is one of most important shortcut for companies to access the knowledge, reduce risk and access to markets. However, the international joint venture involve different culture, politics and economy, it is a special form of organization. After Taiwan became a member of the WTO, no longer limit foreign enterprises access to our construction market. The companies’ cooperation and competition will be more intense at construction market in the future. In this study, we focus at International Joint Venture projects and review a variety of organization conflict literatures to apply theory to construction practice. Second, we also add not only intra-organization phase (person conflict),but also inter-organization level (company conflict),then we based on the aforementioned literatures proposed six hypothesis which will cause conflict in IJV. At intra-organization level. It's including company identity, role ambiguity and information sharing. At inter- organization level, It's including organization fit, project control and learning need. Finally, we send 29 questionnaires (includes 11 companies,16 project representative ) to do empirical analysis to verify the hypothesis is correct or not. The Results of intra-organizational conflicts show the company identity is significantly negative influence on relationship conflicts and information sharing is significantly positive influence on relationship conflict. Both company identity and role ambiguity are significantly positive influence on task conflicts. The results of inter-organizational conflicts show the organizational fit and social control are negative on inter-organizational conflicts, and formal control is positive on it.


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