  • 學位論文


Impact Response of Steel Sandwich Structure in Ship

指導教授 : 洪振發


近年來國際上對海洋環境保護與海洋生態維護的重視,對船舶安全提升需特別考量。在船舶結構中,雙層底與雙層殼結構,均屬金屬三明治結構。由於雷射銲接技術的精進與設備經濟化的趨勢,先進雷射銲接鋼三明治結構在歐洲造船界再度被重視。三明治結構具結構強度均勻性、結構輕量化、結構高度降低等,比傳統的肋骨加強板,或船體深樑結構更具優勢。先進鋼材三明治結構,可應用於多處船體結構與海洋工程結構,主結構如甲板、雙層船殼、雙層底、減振與降噪音隔艙壁、油輪雙層隔艙壁、或海域平台抗氣爆艙壁等。因此本文探討金屬三明治結構受到衝擊的破壞與變形,以及不同夾心形狀在抗撞及抗震能力上的不同。 本文蒐集已發表之鋼材三明治結構,建立有限元素模型,分別為探討不同夾心三明治結構進行低速撞擊與高速衝擊分析。低速撞擊以考慮船舶的撞擊與擱淺時之破壞狀況,以次要結構消散撞擊動能,保護主體結構安全為重點。在高速衝擊方面則探討結構遭受水下爆炸衝擊時的彈塑性暫態反應分析,並比較其抗爆震性能。本文探討的鋼材三明治結構計有: a.船舶與海洋結構可能採用之雙層殼結構:肋板夾心雙層殼結構、X型夾心雙層殼結構與Y 型夾心雙層殼結構。 b.輕結構可能採用的三種鋼材三明治結構:蜂槽型夾心三明治結構、桁架夾心三明治結構與方格夾心三明治結構。


Attention to the marine environmental protection and marine ecology in the world in recent years, to promote the safe of sea going vessel has been regulated strictly. The double bottom and double hull of ships are two types of metal sandwich structures. Due to the progress of laser welding technology and the investment advantage in last years, the European ship industries paid attention to the application of advanced laser welded steel sandwich structures. It has superiority over the traditional stiffened plates and deep girders in uniformly distributed stiffness, light weight, etc. It can be applied to ship and offshore structures, e.g. deck, double hull, double bottom, double bulkhead, and also anti-blast bulkhead. The paper investigate the damage and deformation of the metal sandwich structure subjected to shock loading also the crash worthiness and anti-shock properties of different types of sandwich structure. In this paper the steel sandwich structures which are possibly used in European ship yard were selected as study cases. The dynamic responses of sandwich structure subjected to low speed and high speed impact will be performed, to observe its crashworthiness against collision and anti-shock characteristics for protection of equipments on board. The six types of steel sandwiches analyzed in the paper are: a.The double hull structures which are possibly used for ship and offshore structures:The flat-core double hull, The x-core double hull, The y-core double hull. b.The sandwiches which are possibly used for light structures: The honeycomb sandwich panels, The truss core sandwich panels, The rectangle flat core sandwich panels.


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