  • 學位論文


IEEE802.11b WLAN Circuits Design and Test

指導教授 : 瞿大雄


本論文敘述IEEE802.11b無線網路卡電路設計與測試,電路組成的元件包含基頻處理器RF3002、中射頻收發器RF2958、功率放大器RF5189、射頻濾波器、射頻切換開關、中頻SAW濾波器及電源穩壓器等元件。無線網路卡電路使用四層PCB電路板佈局,可提供IEEE802.11b規格之1Mbps(DSSS)、2Mbps(DSSS)、5.5Mbps(CCK)及11Mbps(CCK)四種資料速率。軟體方面使用Keil撰寫C語言程式碼,並由USB線下載到微處理器,以控制及協調無線網路卡硬體之間的動作。 論文第一章為導論,簡介IEEE802.11無線區域網路。第二章敘述IEEE 802.11b實體層規格及電路系統設計。第三章敘述電路設計,包含基頻處理器電路、中頻及射頻電路、功率放大器電路、前端電路、電源電路、PHY介面電路、MAC控制電路及鏈路計算。第四章是電路佈局,說明如何將設計的電路,轉化為電路板佈局,以及最後的佈局結果。第五章為電路測試,包含各分項電路測試及發射接收整合測試。第六章則為論文結論。


In this thesis, the design and test of IEEE 802.11b WLAN circuits are described. The circuit blocks consist of baseband processor RF3002, IF and RF transceiver RF2958, power amplifier RF5189, RF filter, RF switches, IF SAW filter and regulators. The circuits are fabricated with four-layer PCB process. The implemented wireless LAN card can provide four kinds of data rates which are 1Mbps(DSSS), 2Mbps(DSSS), 5.5Mbps(CCK), and 11Mbps(CCK) based on IEEE802.11b specification. For the software implementation, the C language code compiled by Keil is downloaded to the microprocessor by the USB interface to control and coordinate the functions between the circuit blocks of WLAN card. The introduction of IEEE 802.11 WLAN standard is presented in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 describes the specification of the 802.11b WLAN physical layer and circuit system design. The circuit design consisted of baseband processor, IF and RF transceiver, power amplifier, front-end circuit, dc power circuits, PHY interface circuits, MAC control circuits, and link budget are described in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 gives the circuit layout to realize the designed circuit on a four layer PCB. Chapter 5 describes the test results of each circuit and demonstrates the data transmitting and receiving of the developed WLAN cards. Finally, the conclusion is given in the Chapter 6.


WLAN Transceiver Modules Baseband processor


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