  • 學位論文


Use of helminthes as biological indicators for stock identification and migration of grey mullet Mugil cephalus in the coastal waters of Taiwan

指導教授 : 施秀惠


本研究為首次以蠕蟲類寄生蟲作為生物標籤,進行臺灣近海烏魚(Mugil cephalus)系群區分與洄游研究。烏魚採樣時間從2005年12月至2006年12月止,採集地點為基隆嶼附近海域和高雄外海,總計獲得474尾。將烏魚樣本依採集時間點(季節)和地點可區分為三組:基隆冬季樣本組(包含7次樣本,採集時間依序為2005年12/11、12/18、12/29和2006年1/3、1/12、12/12、12/26)和非冬季樣本群(包含4次樣本,採集時間依序為2006年4/25、6/20、10/23、11/29);而高雄外海僅採獲冬季樣本組(包含5次樣本,採集時間依序為2005年12/7、12/21和2006年12/3、12/4、12/27),其他月份未捕獲烏魚。 烏魚之主要寄生蟲相包括11種蠕蟲,分屬於圓形動物、扁形動物和棘頭蟲動物等三個動物門。圓形動物門有5種:海獸胃線蟲(Anisakis simplex)、有鉤宮脂線蟲(Hysterothylacium aduncum)、高氏線蟲屬圓蟲(Goezia sp.)、宮脂線蟲屬圓蟲(Hysterothylacium sp.)和帶巾線蟲屬圓蟲(Cucullanus sp.);5種扁形動物複殖吸蟲亞綱:鯔隱尾吸蟲(Aphanurus mugilus)、鯔漿果吸蟲(Bacciger mugilis)、四管吸蟲屬吸蟲(Tetrochetus sp.)、鯔薩特吸蟲(Saturnius mugilis)、鮻肢盤吸蟲(Podocotyle lizae);以及1種棘頭蟲:活動新棘吻蟲(Neoechinorhynchus agile)。上列寄生蟲有6種為寄主新紀錄,有9種為地理新紀錄。 分析比較三組烏魚樣本之寄生蟲相和各種寄生蟲之感染參數,而後根據感染之有無、盛行率與平均感染強度之高低等因子,選擇海獸胃線蟲、宮脂線蟲屬圓蟲、鯔隱尾吸蟲以及鮻肢盤吸蟲等4種蠕蟲作為研究烏魚之生物性標籤。 數據顯示:高雄和基隆冬季樣本組皆感染海獸胃線蟲和宮脂線蟲屬圓蟲,且海獸胃線蟲之盛行率和平均感染強度相近,盛行率在高雄、基隆兩地皆為22~23%,平均感染強度皆為1.5~3隻/尾;而宮脂線蟲屬圓蟲盛行率和平均感染強度相近,盛行率在高雄、基隆皆為25~70%,平均感染強度皆為60~106隻/尾;而基隆非冬季樣本組則完全未發現此兩種圓蟲之感染。複殖吸蟲部分,高雄和基隆冬季樣本組皆有鯔隱尾吸蟲和鮻肢盤吸蟲感染,且兩者占每次採樣之所有複殖吸蟲的比例相近,鯔隱尾吸蟲和鮻肢盤吸蟲分別為30~40%和40~50%;而基隆非冬季樣本組則未發現此二種吸蟲感染。 高雄冬季樣本組屬於中國大陸洄游群,本實驗中基隆冬季樣本組和高雄冬季樣本組之優勢寄生蟲相相同且感染參數相近,推論此二組可能同屬中國大陸洄游群。而基隆非冬季樣本組呈現全然不同之寄生蟲相,顯示此組烏魚之生活環境與洄游途徑可能和前二組樣本不同,推論其可能屬於臺灣本地烏魚系群。


This thesis is the first report of using biological indicators to study stock identification and migration of grey mullet Mugil cephalus in the coastal waters of Taiwan. A total number of 474 individuals of grey mullets were collected from December 2005 to December 2006 in Keelung and Kaohsiung. According to sampling data, including seasons and locations, sample were divided into three groups: winter samples of Keelung (12/11, 12/18, 12/29 in 2005 and 1/3, 1/12, 12/12, 12/26 in 2006), non-winter samples of Keelung (4/25, 6/20, 10/23, 11/29 in 2006), and winter samples of Kaohsiung (12/7, 12/21 in 2005 and 12/3, 12/4, 12/7 in 2006). In non-winter months there was no grey mullets collected in Kaohsiung. The main parasitic fauna included 11 species of helminthes, which belong to three phylum, including nematoda, platyhelminthes and acanthocephalans.There were five genus of nematoda including Anisakis simplex, Hysterothylacium aduncum, Goezia sp., Hysterothylacium sp. and Cucullanus sp., and five species of subclass digeneans of platyhelminthes, including Aphanurus mugilus, Bacciger mugilis, Tetrochetus sp., Saturnius mugilis, Podocotyle lizae. Moreover, there is one which is acanthocephalan was Neoechinorhynchus agile. Among them 6 kinds of above-listed parasites are new host records, and 9 kinds are new records of Taiwan. This thesis analyzed the parasitic fauna of three groups of grey mullet and the infection parameters of parasites, then discussed infection degree, prevalence and mean intensity. We regarded Anisakis simplex, Hysterothylacium sp., Aphanurus mugilus and Podocotyle lizae as biological indicators. As the result, winter samples of Keelung and Kaohsiung were both infected with Anisakis simplex, Hysterothylacium sp., and the prevalence and mean intensity values of A. simplex and Hysterothylacium sp. in Keelung and Kaohsiung were 22-23%, (2-3) and 25-70%, (60-106). However, non-winter samples of Keelung were not infected. According to records of digenea, winter samples of Keelung and Kaohsiung were both infected with Aphanurus mugilus and Podocotyle lizae., and A. mugilus and P. lizae had similar ratios of all digenea, which were 30-40% and 40-50%. Non-winter samples of Keelung were not infected. Winter sample group of Kaohsiung belong to migratory stock of main China. According to winter samples of Keelung and Kaohsiung were infected with same dominant species and infection parameters were similar. Thus, we suggest winter samples of Keelung also belong to migratory stock of main China, too. Non-winter samples of Keelung showed different parasitic fauna infection, which asserted their habits and unique migratory route. Possibly, we suggested they was resident stock of Taiwan.


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