  • 學位論文


The Study and Fabrication of Trigger Probe for Micro/Nano CMM

指導教授 : 范光照


現今的工程量測技術,針對中等尺寸的機械元件,使用傳統三次元量測儀量測已能完全達到大多數的尺寸精度要求,然而對於量測微小工件尺寸(<< 1mm),卻往往無法得到較高的精度,其原因主要受限於量測探頭系統的性能。各國研究機構為了解決探頭系統性能的極限,紛紛使用價格昂貴的感測設備與費用高昂的製造技術,有鑒於此,如何以較低成本開發微小化接觸式量測探頭系統為本論文的主要研究方向。 在接觸式探頭方面,本論文提出一種創新的製程方法,使用市售的光纖熔接機加以改良,利用尖端放電與表面張力收縮的物理現象自然形成微小探頭圓球。在感測器方面,將已商業化的DVD讀寫頭加以改良研發,最終再配合機構的設計和組裝完成一輕量化、接觸力小、解析度高及重複性佳的微小化接觸式量測探頭。


In modern metrological technology, traditional coordinate measuring machine is suitable for measuring almost all median size workpiece’s three-dimensional features. But in micro-size scale, it is always not to fit higher precision and lower uncertainties demands. In almost all cases, the probing system is the limiting factor of the measurement. In order to overcome the limits of the probing system’s performance, many research centers use so expensive instruments as sensors and invest in manufacturing a probe. Therefore, how to research a high precision touch trigger probing system in limited funds is this study’s aim. About manufacturing a probe, we use the cleaning feature of a commercial fiber fusion splicer to manufacture 3D micro probes. By utilizing the arc discharging energy and the surface tension of the melting optical fiber, a micro sphere is formed at the tip of the optical fiber. About the sensor, we use the commercial pickup head of DVD player. By the mechanical design with the pickup head, a touch trigger probing system with lightweight, low probing force, high resolution, fine repeatability will be developed.


Micro sphere probe Fiber fusion CMM DVD


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