  • 學位論文


Business Plan Private Traffic - Investor Community

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


在臺灣已有超過 1,200 萬不重複台股開戶人數,超過總人口數一半達51.8%,近兩年雖因新冠肺炎對企業帶來營運上的影響,卻創造股市低點的投資機會,因此有許多人想藉勢進場投資,連路邊的阿桑也紛紛加入投資台股的行列。 根據《Digital 2022: TAIWAN》報告指出,臺灣人使用網路的前兩大主因為看影片(68.2%)及找資訊(68.1%),其中有43.2%的人使用網路是因為要「理財」。隨著社群平台的興起,越來越多人是為了交流、獲取資訊而非僅是為了聯繫友誼而使用。在臺灣市場中,最多人用的社群平台從PTT、Facebook移轉至現在的 LINE,而LINE與Facebook之間最大的差異在於場域的不同,前者是以通訊為主的「私域」平台;後者則是以朋友圈動態牆為主「公域」平台。 「賺錢是人民的剛需」,在這些市調數字的背後,我們發現投資人獲取投資理財資訊的需求日增月盛,而獲取及交流的方式也隨著科技的發展,從一般財經媒體、網站、Facebook的公域習慣,逐步轉換到私域的 LINE 社群平台上。 本計畫以「投資理財」垂直領域為主軸,透過私域流量所創造競爭優勢,切入「金融科技」(FinTech)市場,並以訂閱模式創造持續性的營收模式,在用戶習慣的私域中,以提高「交流」及「研究」的效率為價值主張,將投資資訊普惠化提供給用戶,讓投資理財不再遙不可及、困而不學,以新場域結合理財剛需,打造市場獨一無二的金融服務體驗及模式。


More than 120 million people have stock securities account in Taiwan. This is more than half of Taiwan's population. During these two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, many corporates had difficulties operating as usual. Therefore, it inspired people to take the chance and try to invest even if they have no experience. According to the "Digital 2022: TAIWAN" report, the top two reasons for internet usage are to watch videos (68.2%) and to find information (68.1%). 43.2% of people use the internet for investment and financial management purposes. Social media plat-forms are rising, and people tend to use them as media channels and get information in-stead of only getting in touch with friends. The most used social media platform in the Taiwan market switched gradually from PTT to Facebook and LINE. The difference between LINE and Facebook is the experience field. LINE dominates private commu-nications among closed groups, while Facebook is more about public communications on the activities wall. Financial management is a necessary skill for everyone. The demand for financial information is growing fast, and technological improvement also affects how people get and share information. In the past, investors did their research on financial media and other websites. Nowadays, they gather information mainly from Facebook and discuss it with each other in private LINE groups. This business plan targets the vertical domain of investment and financial manage-ment within the private information exchange field. With more than 70k private groups as a core competence, our product ScanTrader's value proposition is to improve research in communication as a freemium subscription business model tool to lower the onboard-ing barrier and build a new investment experience.


1. 1111人力銀行. (2019). 全民搶進網紅經濟調查. https://www.1111.com.tw/news/jobns/119720
2. angelayang. (2022). LINE 官方帳號商機爆發,會員 CDP 數據是決勝軍火庫. 91App. https://www.91app.com/blog/news-bnext-lineoa-91app/
3. BBC News. (2019). 台灣AI機器人「美玉姨」的使命:甄別假資訊,挑戰網路謠言. https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese-news-47208116
4. MoneyDJ 理財網. 三竹資訊股份有限公司. https://www.moneydj.com/kmdj/wiki/wikiviewer.aspx?keyid=550522f4-66ff-409c-a619-2b88a2c32a4f
