  • 學位論文


Citizen Participation Institute in Labor Inspection: The Study of the Joint Inspection and Assessment of Labor Condition Inspection in Taipei City

指導教授 : 洪美仁


臺北市政府勞動局於2015年、2016年有制度性地且大規模地執行勞動條件檢查陪同鑑定政策,這項強調公民參與檢查的政策,不僅是勞動檢查行政的一大變革,對公民參與領域而言,也是一項具開創性的參與議題,可為我國未來其他行政調查或司法審判發展公民參與檢查或審判機制,提供可行性的實證。 本研究著重在探討勞動條件檢查為何要引進公民參與?其必要性為何?政策執行過程中公民參與機制運用情形、效益及限制又為何?期建構勞動條件檢查之公民參與模式,並提出相關精進及未來研究之建議。 經研究結果發現,勞檢陪鑑制有推動及存在之必要性、陪鑑檢查須設定參與門檻(資格條件)、最有效的公民參與時機是在進行違法事實之調查與釐清、陪鑑檢查是合夥型的公民參與方式、行政官員的心態決定公民參與效益、「陪鑑」可提升勞動條件檢查效能、「陪鑑」是政府與公民對勞動檢查治理的對話管道。 另本研究對於勞檢陪鑑制之規劃設計及未來研究發展提出以下之建議: 一、對勞檢陪鑑制之建議 (一) 加強個人勞工參與誘因,真正落實公民參與 (二) 建立陪鑑人培訓及退場機制 (三) 擴大陪鑑人之角色功能 (四) 採「先廣後精」的檢查方式以減少人力耗損 (五) 提升勞檢員的檢查權限與勞動條件 二、對未來研究之建議 (一) 進行業別間之陪鑑檢查成效與適用性分析 (二) 對陪鑑人身分再作更細緻分類,以擴大訪談廣度


In 2015 and 2016, the Taipei Municipal Government Labor Bureau systematically implemented a large-scale implementation of the labor condition joint inspection and assessment policy.This policy emphasizes citizen participation in inspections,which is not only a major change in the labor inspection administration, but also a groundbreaking participatory issue in the field of citizen participation,which can provide empirical evidence for the development of citizen participation in other administrative investigations or judicial trials in the future. This study focuses on the exploration of labor condition inspection to introduce citizen participation. What is the necessity? What are the application, benefits and limitations of citizen participation mechanism in the process of policy implementation? To construct the citizen participation model of labor condition inspection, and put forward some suggestions on the relevant advancement and future research were proposed. According to the research results, it is found that the labor condition joint inspection and assessment system has the necessity of promotion and existence, it is necessary to set the threshold of participation (qualification conditions), the most effective time for citizen participation is to investigate and clarify the illegal facts, the joint inspection and assessment is a partnership-type citizen participation method,and the mentality of the administrative officials determine the benefits of citizen participation. The joint inspection and assessment can improve the efficiency of labor conditions inspection. The joint inspection and assessment is a dialogue channel between the government and citizens on the governance of labor inspection. In addition, this study puts forward the following suggestions for the planning and design of the labor condition joint inspection and assessment system and its future research and development: The first Suggestions on the labor condition joint inspection and assessment system are (1) Strengthening the incentives for individual workers to participate and truly implement citizen participation. (2) Establishing a training and exit mechanism for the person of joint inspection and assessment. (3) Expanding the role function of the accompanying inspectors. (4) Adopting the inspection method of “first wide and then fine” to reduce manpower loss. (5) Enhancing the inspection authority and labor conditions of the labor inspectors. In addition, recommendations for future research: (1) Analysis of the effectiveness and applicability of the company's joint inspection and assessment. (2) Further categorizing the identity of the person of joint inspection and assessment to expand the breadth of interviews.


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