  • 學位論文


Research on the Recall of Legislators in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳淳文


罷免權為我國憲法之明文。在過去,由於「投票率過半且同意罷免票過半」之罷免門檻不易達成,1994、1995年的擁核立委案、2015年的蔡正元罷免案皆未通過。然自2016年罷免門檻下修為「同意票達選區選舉人總數四分之一且同意罷免票過半」,使得罷免的提議量與成功率大幅增加。2017年黃國昌罷免案成為首度適用該門檻之立委罷免案,高雄市長韓國瑜、桃園市議員王浩宇更分別在在2020及2021年遭到罷免,顯示該次修法確實讓罷免開始發揮作用。本研究以立法委員之罷免作為研究主體,探討立委是否適合以如此低門檻之罷免予以課責。同時也會透過立委與其他公職人員的比較,觀察現行罷免制度將各公職人員一體適用是否妥適。最後,再根據研究發現,提出具體的修法建議供制度修正之參考。 首先,罷免現制概述主要係針對區域立委在選制及職位等二面向,與縣市長、縣市議員進行比較。發現區域立委與縣市長雖皆於單一選區選出,職位性質卻有顯著之別;區域立委與縣市議員皆為民意代表,選制則完全不同。在這樣的情況下,三者依不同的罷免門檻予以規範,應較適當。另,區域及不分區立委同受「強制委任」之課責模式,恐與大法官所稱「我國為非純粹自由委任」不符。其後,本研究亦整理立委罷免之憲法基礎及制度演變,並言我國現行立委課責方式除選舉及罷免外,尚有總統的「被動解散權」,卻被認為形同虛設。 我國憲政史上共發生7個立委罷免案。1990年代擁核立委5案,係由於立法院通過核四預算,反核團體發動罷免部分執政黨立委;2014年,在太陽花運動後,蔡正元因力挺服貿協議、「服從黨意」而遭罷免提議;2017年,則因黃國昌挺同之立場,遭致反同團體發起罷免。7案皆未達門檻而不通過。研究發現,立委罷免經常是定期選舉之外,在野勢力用來挑戰執政者的工具,因而成為選舉的「延長賽」或「前哨戰」,恐不利民主體制的正常發展。另外,罷免通常聚焦特定政策議題,然現行公投制度已能保障人民直接參與政策或法律之形成,罷免存在的理由顯得薄弱。 本研究進一步對立委罷免進行檢討。在理論層面上,我國立委享言論免責權,且其職權本屬全國性質,從選制來看當選得票也相對高,罷免門檻應可提高;立法院作為合議制機關,其作成的決議應由全體立委共同負責,而非針對單一立委實施罷免,因此可考慮由人民解散立院;選區的民意通常分歧而難知全貌,立委何以能事事迎合選區多數民意的期待?最後,我國已是民主鞏固國家,應回歸常態性的課責機制──定期選舉,以免罷免的頻繁擾亂民主體制之運作。而從實際運作上來看,罷免立委之事由並無限制,而通常主要是針對政策議題。然關鍵在於,門檻若太低,罷免立委可能根本不需要理由,只需要特定組織的動員即能達成;選舉與罷免的投票率相對懸殊,現行罷免門檻恐造成少數人參與罷免就能推翻多數人在選舉時的決定。 最後,本研究也嘗試提出修法建議:一、宜調整立委罷免門檻,可恢復投票率的門檻,確保多數人的參與方能發揮作用,或設定罷免門檻須高於立委當選得票,提高罷免之正當性;二、基於立法院集體負責之性質,可設計「由人民解散立法院」,具體作法為人民透過公投否決立法院之決議,代表立法院扭曲多數人民之意志,則立法院應解散,改選以組成新民意;三、立委、縣市長及縣市議員,應制定不同的罷免門檻。本研究期盼罷免法制能早日進行修正,以同時保障罷免權,並降低罷免立委對民主體制造成的衝擊。


The right to recall is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of China. In recent years, as the people of Taiwan yearn for direct democracy, the use of recall has become more frequent. Especially, after the recall threshold was lowered in 2016, the success rate of recall has increased, including the Mayor of Kaohsiung City, Han Kuo-Yu, as well as the member of Taoyuan City Council, Wang Hao-Yu having been recalled respectively. Although the past 7 legislators recall cases had been rejected, including the case of Huang, Kuo-Chang, it highlighted whether the legislators should apply such low recall threshold. Most of the studies in Taiwan have a positive attitude toward the recall system. Nevertheless, we found that the recall threshold might be too low and could have a negative impact on Legislators and the democratic system. Legislators are guaranteed by the right of legislative immunity, but electors often raise proposals of legislative recall due to different perspectives on policy issues, which may deviate from the spirit of free mandate. The Legislative Yuan should not only make decisions collectively but also share the collective responsibilities. Given the different natures and electoral systems of Mayors, Legislators, and local council members, they should be regulated by different recall systems. Finally, we have tried to propose suggestion for the legislative recall system reform, including adjusting the recall threshold up, adding the system of dissolving the Legislative Yuan by people, and setting different recall thresholds for different elected civil servants. We hope that Civil Servants Election and Recall Act can be reformed as soon as possible, on the one hand, to safeguard the right to recall and, on the other hand, to enable the democratic system to function properly.


