  • 學位論文

房屋建築自動化施工之初步研究 -以RC建築預鑄工法為例

A preliminary study on construction automation of fully precast building

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


隨著社會發展,勞力短缺且薪資高漲,傳統需要大量勞力的房屋建築鋼筋混凝土構造工程,面臨生產技術提昇的考驗。且傳統鋼筋混凝土工程由於濕式施工,更帶來施工環境多砂漿、水泥等污染物的缺點。由於國人對鋼筋混凝土構造的愛用程度遠高於其他外構造,因此有必要改變傳統鋼筋混凝土構造工程的生產方式,朝自動化施工,以改善傳統鋼筋混凝土構造工程的缺點。 本研究乃藉由對國內某公司研發之自動化預鑄工法的探討,評估其在設計與施工層面之性能,並提出改善建議,以提供業界更了解此種自動化構法之全貌。本研究之對象為一種全預鑄化的構件系統,有別於目前常用的SRC和場鑄工法,此種系統的所有結構體構件均採用全預鑄式皆在工場生產,運至現場後配合少量的現場溼接,可快速將結構物組立。此系統之構件生產組裝,在牆的部份是採用較為特殊的牆版組裝設計,是利用配合牆而特殊設計的預鑄柱與梁將牆版卡在中間,所以此種牆版的位置將和場鑄牆的位置一樣立於梁上,而非像預鑄帷幕牆(PCCW)是利用鐵件固定在梁外側。由於構件的全預鑄、事先完善的設計,可使結構物建造的速度大幅增加,達到建築自動化的目的。本研究將針對此種內嵌式牆版系統,分析個案公司之設計構想與實際以四種不同模式施作之的組合實驗建築,研究不同組合中每種牆版必須搭配特定形狀的梁與柱,利用梁下緣與柱兩側突出的翼版以及少量的鐵件將牆版固定之施工模式,並發掘問題評估其性能。 面對目前環境及社會之需求,此種自動化工法值得推廣,國內雖也有部分的應用實例,但因業界對其了解不深,且有排斥之傾向,故應用上仍未普遍,因此有必要深入探討此種新構法,熟悉自動化工法的特性與優點,逐漸改變傳統的施工觀念。


As a labor-intensive industry, the traditional reinforced concrete based architectural engineering is faced with social development, labor shortage and pay rise. In addition, the traditional reinforce concrete based wet construction generates pollutants such as mortar and cement at the construction site. Since the public prefers concrete structure to any other structures, to solve of such disadvantages, it is necessary to phase out the traditional reinforced concrete based architectural engineering and promote automatic engineering. The study was an attempt to discuss an automatic pre-cast method developed by a home-based company and evaluating its functionality in terms of design and engineering, and some suggestions for improving the method were also proposed, with the hope that the industry could have a more holistic understanding of such method. The research was focused on a module pre-casting system which is different from the presently popular SRC or cast-in-place system, every modules of the system was pre-cast in a plant and then transported to the construction site for wet joint bonding so that the model can be installed instantly. For wall construction, a special wall assembly scheme which has the pre-cast pillar and beam sandwich the wall tightly is used for this module production system, hence, the wall is not like the PCCW wall which use iron pieces to fix the beam from outside and can stand on the beam as easily as the pre-cast wall. Because it is completely pre-cast with perfect beforehand design, it can accelerate architectural construction largely and help achieve automatic engineering. In this study, the design of the company in case was compared with four differently engineered prefabricated buildings in respect with such embedded wall system, where specially shaped beams and pillars would be used for each type of wall in this buildings and the wall would be fixed by means of the lower beam edge, pillar wings and a small amount of iron pieces to replace the traditional cast-in-place wall or pre-cast curtain wall. This automatic engineering method is worth promotion under the present environment and the immediate needs from the society. Though there are some documented cases of application in Taiwan, the method is still not widely applied because of the industry’s superficial understanding and repellence. Therefore, there is a need to explore this new construction method in-depth so as to familiarize the industry with the features and advantages of automatic engineering as well as to phase out the traditional construction conception.


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