  • 學位論文


An Analysis of French Learner's Conjunction Errors in Writing with Pedagogical Implications── Based on Méthode de chinois I-II

指導教授 : 竺靜華


連接成分是篇章中銜接語句的方法,此為第二語言學習者最先習得如何組句成篇的方法之一。中文連接成分的研究早期著重於複句,直至廖秋忠先生才以篇章視角重新省視連接句子和段落的連接成分,界定篇章連接成分的範圍。本文旨在探討法籍學習者使用連接成分之情況,並且進一步討論連接成分的教學方法。   本研究針對法國國立東方語言文化學院二至四年級學生之寫作研究,依複句、段落、篇章三個層面觀察法籍學習者以連接成分連接分句、句子和段落的時候,產生的偏誤。文中對比學習者的偏誤與正確語句,以中文連接成分本身的語義、用法與功能解釋學習者偏誤較多的連接成分,並探究影響學習者產生偏誤的原因,以求充分理解學習者的學習難點。   為有效減少學習者連接成分使用上的偏誤,本文析探法籍學習者使用之教材《漢語入門》與《中級漢語(上)》,配合教材設計連接成分教學,以「也」和「時間連接成分」為例,解析教授連接成分時應注意之面向與環節,以供教學參考。


華語教學 連接成分 偏誤 複句 段落 篇章


Conjunction is a way to connect phrases and sentences in discourse, which is one of the earliest ways for second language learners to acquire the knowledge of composing articles through sentences. The early research of Chinese conjunction focus on complex sentences, it was not until Chiu-Chung Liao that researchers started to review conjunctions which connect sentences and paragraphs from the perspective of discourse. This research aims at reviewing the way how French learners of Mandarin Chinese apply conjunctions and the way of teaching them.   This research examines and analyzes the errors which were made by French learners from National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) in their writing from three perspectives, namely complex sentences, paragraphs, and discourses. After comparing French learner's errors and correct sentences, this study explained the reasons for the errors with the semantic, pragmatics and function of Chinese conjunctions, and investigated the causes of these errors for further understanding learner's errors.   This study also examined French learner's textbooks and discovered that explanations regarding proper use of conjunctions when forming sentence groups and paragraphs are limited. To effectively solve the problems of the learners, this study designed pedagogical processes of 也 and time conjunctions based on learners' textbooks and provided pedagogical suggestions.


蔡美智,〈華語篇章銜接偏誤類型 —— 以日本學習者為例〉,《華語文教學研究》第七卷第3期(2010),頁31-53。
Gass, S.M., & Selinker, L., (2008). Second language acquisition: an introductory course (3 ed.). New York: Routledge.
