  • 學位論文

以4E為概念的市場行銷策略研討: 惠新公司個案研討

The Marketing Strategies Analysis with Respect to 4E: A Case Study of Fashion Garment Ind, Co., Ltd

指導教授 : 曹銳勤




策略 4P 4E 市場佔有率


Fashion Garment Ind, Co., Ltd, have always been Taiwan’s top garment industry leaders, with top quality and economic value. Yet, when traditional business management struggles to foresee the future of the Taiwan men’s undergarment market and the adaptation of the new digital era based on the traditional marketing 4P strategies, this brand will continue to struggle to secure profits by providing newer retail strategies, quality control, customer management, innovative marketing strategies, racking up inventories, and etc. Under this premise, the purpose of this research is an in-depth look into the new 4E’s marketing method: experience, emotion, engagement, and exclusivity. This study will showcase how 4E is possible to help with the brand extension of a 51-year-old company concerning the marketing department, followed by a qualitative case study on Fashion Garment Ind, Co., Ltd. A sponsorship business model will be incorporated into a business model canvas as an analytic framework. Four experienced marketing expertise were interviewed to understand the concept of 4E and the feasibility of implementing the sponsorship business model. The study concludes with discussions of lessons learned from the research: 4P cannot be replaced by 4E but can combine the two tools.


strategies 4P 4E market share


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