  • 學位論文


A Report on Our Military Educational System and Capabilities —Based on Chung-Cheng Armed Forces Preparatory School

指導教授 : 王高成


本研究對國軍軍事教育體系中的中等教育,作一深入探研,其目的藉以透析明瞭中正預校的教育,更加洞悉中正預校是國軍軍事人才培育的重要搖籃,除闡述預校與目前國家中等教育的理念與政策的關係,以及現今的研究概況,也希望在前人的研究基礎上,評估軍事院校設立中等教育的實質貢獻以及存在意義,進而對中正預校未來的發展與願景提出重要的規劃。 本研究之研究步驟可分為三部分,第一部分從研究動機與研究目的,分析確立本研究待答問題,歸納中等教育學術研發的發展趨勢及實證資料;第二部分再根據文獻探討結果,統整後以研究目的為架構,實際以國軍軍事教育之現況、中正預校設立之宗旨及中正預校教育核心價值如何培育優質學生等調查結果,深入分析與討論,綜合調查結果及文獻分析結果,最後依據研究目的歸納結論並提出具體建議。 研究結論發現,中正預校為三軍軍官學校及政治作戰學院儲備優質學生,將來為國所用。且預校將把「全人教育」列為辦學特色,並以陶冶品德、發展潛能、培養人格等為工作重點。為因應此發展願景,以「活力新校園、優質好學校」為著眼,並以「人文為奠基,科學為掛帥」作目標,當成學校培育國軍新一代優質的軍官幹部之方向。 而在穩定成長之中,預校也面臨一些不可避免的發展困境,預校在國軍實施「精實案」與「精進案」後,組織精減,停辦國中部,減少高中部學生員額;面對以上的困境,學校必須突破且逐一改善相關問題;最後本研究提出有利中正預校之永續發展建議如後:1.精實招生工作;2.招考新進老師;3.開放自費生;4.招考女性學生;5.與美國軍校交換學生;6.充實校園整建;7.落實組織精減。


This study will focus on its research on secondary education within the overall military training infrastructure, specifically Chung-Cheng Armed Forces Preparatory School(CCAFPS), and its importance as the building block and major contributor for this comprehensive system. Furthermore, this study provides blueprint for the future advancement of CCAFPS. The report is grouped into three sections: the first section focuses on the analysis of the motivations and the established goals; the second section examines and analyzes the existing researches and survey results based on the current status, the metrics set forth by the establishment of CCAFPS, and its core value of fostering elite. The last section summarizes the findings and makes concrete proposals. So far the study has concluded that CCAFPS devotes itself to the cultivating of talents for a range of other military academies. In addition, CCAFPS focuses on a Holistic Education, with emphasis on integrity and potential. This effort—a new generation of campus with vitality and excellence—should be the strategic vision for mentoring next generation military officers. However, during the steady growth of CCAFPS, there are some unavoidable challenges: Jingshih Program and Jingjin Program, eliminated grades 7 thru 9, and reduced the number of accepted senior high school students. To manage and deal with all the above challenges, CCAFPS needs to address each concern and propose mitigations. Lastly this report will make the following fundamental suggestions for CCAFPS: 1. improve the student recruitment process; 2.Hire new educators; 3.Allow self-paid students into the program; 4. Admit female students; 5.establish exchange programs with fellow American pre academies; 6.improve campus infrastructure; 7.Concrete efforts on “Jingshih Program and Jingjin Program”.




