  • 學位論文


Business Loan Quality of Partial Privatized Bank - A Case Study of Bank M in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林志鴻


早期國營銀行為配合政府政策扶植產業發展特性,受惠於初期介入市場即擁有長久經營之企業客戶群。1991年臺灣地區銀行業開放民營後,除臺灣銀行與土地銀行為100%政府持股之國營銀行外,另有國營機構占部份持股之部份民營化銀行及100%民營持股銀行,每間銀行經營高度同質性業務,以各種優惠條件爭取客戶,致市占率皆不高、獲利有限。而銀行部份民營化後,除配合政府政策、穩定金融外,亦須在利差小、競爭激烈的銀行產業環境中謀取生存之道。本文透過分析臺灣地區部份民營化銀行M銀行之優勢業務-企業放款業務,探討其經營環境及提升企業放款品質之策略分析。 本文以Lin and Pao(2004)之理論分析架構探討M銀行使命陳述係成為亞太區優質企業放款商業銀行,透過7S分析內部環境具有系統、人員與技能之優勢,以Porter五力模型分析得知M銀行於現有產業環境具有競爭力,以PESTEL分析M銀行運用來自於政治、法律及社會等總體環境所創造的機會,形成M銀行於企業放款業務之優勢策略為「持續開拓穩健經營之企業戶」,並以「結合企業戶生產模式提供卓越的金融資源」為特定業務策略。最後,為檢視執行該特定業務策略是否可行,再以7S、五力模型及PESTEL模型分析驗證,得知M銀行有能力執行優勢策略,並可使M銀行達成「成為亞太區優質企業放款商業銀行」之使命。


The State-Owe bank has the duty of performance on policy, benefited into the banking industry early, was stand sized of corporative customers. Since 1991, the government opened up banks to privatization, there are state-owe bank, partial-privatized bank, and full private bank in the banking market. Each bank operates homogeneous businesses, makes variety attractive terms to win customers, thus, leading to neither high market share nor profit. In addition to coordinate the government policy to stabilize financial environment, partial-privatized bank also needed to make a profit from small spreads at the highly competitive banking industry. This paper explore advantaged competitive strategy of partial-privatized bank M in Taiwan, and try to find the specific strategy to perform, in order to enhance the quality of business loan service. This paper explore the competitive strategy of Bank M, by Lin and Pao(2004)analysis of the theoretical framework. We confirmed that the mission statement first, and analyzed internal elements to find strengths and weaknesses on 7S framework, then used Porter five forces model to analyze industry environment, by PESTEL model to analyze the overall environment, finally formed the dominant strategy of Bank M as “Keep in open up the sound operation corporate” and the specific business strategy as “combined with corporate production model to provide superior financial resources" to perform the strategies. In order to check whether the specific business strategies can work, we used 7S, five forces model and PESTEL model review the implementation indeed reached Bank M’s mission statement as “ become a high quality of business loan bank in the Asia Pacific region" .


