  • 學位論文

從渡邊淳一的文學作品中看飲食文化 ─以『無影燈』、『化身』、『化妝』為中心─

The Investigation of Food Culture within Literatures of Watanabe Junichi: Based on "Mueitou", "Keshin", "Keshou" three works

指導教授 : 劉長輝


渡邊淳一為極受歡迎的新唯美主義派作家,至今仍活躍在日本文壇。文學作品,是作家的創作,同時也將作者的人格、情感意識、思維、記憶等蘊含在其中。對我等而言,與飲食相關的活動是人類最為基本的生存慾望。在日常生活中,飲食不但是人類維持生命不可欠缺的一環,隨著文明與歷史的變遷發展,它也成為了人類文化中極為重要的一部分。文學作家將由於空間的轉換而產生的風土人情之對比,透過關於飲食生活的描寫表現出其中蘊含在其背後的文化意義。換言之,日本現代作家渡邊淳一的作品探討,亦能發掘出其所背負的日本文化與所經歷的歷史變遷。 本研究是以記錄著人類情感思維的文學作品為媒介,透過對於日本現代社會影響深遠的渡邊淳一之『無影燈』、『化妝』、『化身』等代表作的析論,探討其內心深層的情感意識及投射在作品之中的文化意涵。


As a popular neo-aestheticism author, Watanabe Junichi still active in present Japanese publication quarter. Literature, known as the creations in purpose, but it can also be seen as the reflection of the author’s personality, background, emotional consciousness, way of thinking, and memories. To us mankind, activities related to foods is the most basic natural instinct and desire. Daily diet related activities are the inalienable instinct for life maintenance, but merging with human civilization and historical changes, it also became a fundamental part of human culture. Writers of literature can lead out the hidden cultural meanings within contrasting cultures and environments created by space alteration, by the creation of food related descriptions. Therefore, by observing the works of Watanabe Junichi as a modern Japanese author, we can discover the recent status and historical transform of the Japanese culture. This investigation is aimed to uncover the emotion within and also the cultural meanings reflected by the literature. And by setting the literal works as the analyze medium, the investigation based on the influential writer Watanabe Junichi’s representative works - “Mueitou”, “Keshou”, “Keshin” can reveal the cultural significance beneath the literatures.


