  • 學位論文


Interactive Techniques for Video Presentations in E-Learning

指導教授 : 林慧珍


隨著電腦硬體與網路的快速發展,數位學習成為重要的課題。而視訊影片為不可或缺的媒體之一,這些視訊教材常以VCD或DVD的格式來使用,或者以串流的方式來呈現。數位學習常用視訊簡報系統中,大都有互動性不足的情形。對教材提供者或錄製者而言,以現存系統來錄製,則無法提供多樣性的教材,錄製的形式也是無法表現出教材內容與教師的互動。就學習者而言,視訊教材提供一種線性與單一的學習環境,使用者無法根據個人所需來決定學習進度、甚至學習路徑。 本論文將根據上述的問題,提供具有高互動性而簡單的基礎架構,使用者透過互動讓視訊教材提供更豐富更多樣化的內容。分別從視訊教材的錄製、後製、播放三個階段來探討使用者與視訊教材如何互動,其中研究要點有(1)視覺內容的同步方式(2)視訊教材與使用者互動式(3)可調式視訊簡報內容的建構方式。在多媒體同步與互動模式中,我們利用OCPN說明本論文所提出的多種模式。視訊教材錄製時,四種以教師為主角錄製模式用來強調教師與教材的互動關係。教材剪輯時,本論文提出以影片為物件的註解編輯系統。在最後階段中,學習者根據自己的需要來觀賞不同教學內容。特別的是我們把兩種概念帶入本架構(1)超媒體視訊 (2)以演講者為主的視訊教材。


With the prospects of novel capture and display technologies there is no doubt that digital visual content in the future will become as ubiquitous as paper is today. Furthermore, advances in communications, affective, and wearable computing, assures us that personal visual information will be used in unexpected and exciting ways. For e-learning, the video is a major material of the learning contents, but the whole video material is considered as a pure and single data like as an image. It is not convenient for a learning content provider to provide more information in the video. For a learner, the learning video should bring more abounding knowledge. A learner can get what he need according to the knowledge and interest level. We address the problem of automatic capturing and organization of visual information through user interaction at different steps. Our work focuses on the following three important areas: (1) synchronization method of visual contents and (2) interaction models between material and users that get more information from user input at multiple devices (3) construction of adaptive presentation methods in solving different knowledge levels. In particular, we present the following: (1) novel actor-based model for capturing the notion (2) a complete video processing framework that applies hypervideo concept into e-learning.


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