  • 學位論文


The experience of identity exploration group for adolescents in cross-national marriage family

指導教授 : 林淑萍


本研究旨在探討跨國婚姻家庭青少年子女參加認同探索團體的經驗。其中,探索的經驗將分為兩大部份:(1)參與者認同現況,以及(2)歷程中的團體關係。本研究採用質性研究進行資料蒐集與分析。研究參與者為八位就讀台灣北部某國中跨國婚姻家庭青少年子女。最後經由分析整理的研究結果如下: 一、團體的綜合發現 (一)認同內涵 1.在認同的不同面向上,成員們的自我認知是一致,又多元的。 2.認同歸屬的現況,是在地文化的認同,但也具備發展多元文化認同的潛勢。 3.以熱忱態度、與正向情感的投入,認同家庭背景所含帶的多元文化。 4.以開放、對等的態度看待認同現況上的彼此差異 5.認同探索的團體歷程裡,累積對於「認同」的瞭解與經驗 (二)歷程裡的團體關係 1.藉由說自己之後,對異同的覺察增進彼此關係 2.團體內,有著多元化的人際參與類型 二、各次的團體發現 (一)第一次 1.被稱呼方式,單邊的傾向台灣在地的父系或是母系文化 2.帶領者由現場的直接互動裡,衝擊著自己對成員們原本的假設,而放下假設之後,更能著眼於當下,與成員們一起探索認同。 (二)第二次 1.一致認定自己是混血兒的自我認知, 2.多元化的「國籍認同」內涵 3.直接的討論認同主題,僅能簡述回答,較無法多談或深入討論 (三)第三次 1.參與跨國多元文化生活的機會,受到父/母親的影響 2.引起討論共鳴的多元文化生活主題是:學校、食物、語言使用習慣。這些主題是生活重心,也是文化投入的主要切入面向。 3.跨國多元文化生活裡有著情感 4.在台灣有多元文化的生活習慣 5.多元文化場域裡的認同歸屬,是介紹自己來自台灣;而在台灣沒有口音,使自己不被認為是其他國家的人。 (四)第四次 1.以性格、喜好或是外型跟自己靠近的象徵物來代表自己。 2.語言使用習慣裡,比較是單邊的傾向父/母系的族群文化,並不具備多元文化語言使用的能力。 3.個人價值觀部份,比較是單邊的靠近父/母親價值體系,或是同時聽話於雙親,而不是經過涵化歷程的雙重認同 4.能於團體內思考與表達較為抽象的認同概念 (五)第五次 1.團體內交流互動的自我發現,是更熟悉彼此,也分享一個不是一般的自己;對東南亞籍親系的關注與靠近,並想起對於父/母親原生國家的獨特情感 2.多元文化優勢的自我認知,是見識較多、對東南亞國家比較熟悉、具備發展其他語言的優勢 3.成員反映的探索團體是好玩的、有參與感的   最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以作為未來對於跨國婚姻家庭青少年子女後續研究之參考。 關鍵字:跨國婚姻家庭青少年;認同探索團體;團體經驗


This study examined the participation experiences of an identity exploring group of teenagers originating from cross-national marriage families. Two categories of the group experience were explored: (1) the identity status quo of the group members, and (2) interaction experiences during the group process. Qualitative methods were used to collect and analyze the data. The group participants were eight students from a northern Taiwan junior high school who were members of cross-national marriage families. The findings of this study were as follows: I. General discoveries through the whole Group process: 1. Exploration Discoveries: (1) Based on different identity aspects, group members expressed their unanimous yet diversified self-cognition. (2) Identity belongingness of the group members tended to lean toward their local culture, but potential remained for developing a multicultural identity. (3) Group members participated with passion and a positive attitude in multi-cultural family activities, and also agreed with the corresponding identities. (4) They also treated differences in their individual identity status quo with an open-mind and equal attitude. (5) Group members accumulated understandings and experiences regarding “identity” during the whole group identity exploration process. 2. Fellowship among group members: (1) By expressing their beliefs and values, group members became aware of each other’s similarities and differences, and thus improved relationships with one another overall. (2) The group displayed a diversified mode of interpersonal participation. II. Specific Discoveries during each group session: 1. First session (1) Appellation tended to be that of local Taiwanese paternal or maternal culture. (2) Group leaders’ assumptions about participants were impacted by the direct interaction. When assumptions were given up, the group leaders became more present in the moment and were able to explore identity with the participants. 2. Second session (1) Group members unanimously identified as biracial. (2) The connotation of a diversified “nationality identity.” (3) When the subject of identity was directly discussed only brief answers were rendered, making it difficult to attain in-depth discussion. 3. Third session (1) Opportunities to participate in diverse border-crossing cultural activities were influenced by group members’ parents. (2) Several subjects resonated the most in multicultural discussions, including school, food, and the usage of language. These subjects were the foci of their lives, and also the main entry point in cultural involvement. (3) Group members described emotional involvement in a transnational multicultural lifestyle. (4) Group members displayed multicultural living habits in Taiwan. (5) In multicultural settings, group members reported introducing themselves as from Taiwan to express their identity, and avoiding the use of a foreign accent allowed them not to be treated as foreigners. 4. Fourth session (1) The symbols the group members chose to represent themselves were determined by personality, preference, appearance, or proximity. (2) The language used tended to be that of the paternal or maternal culture, and did not display multilingual ability. (3) Personal values reported tended to be that of the paternal or maternal value system, or they simply were obedient to their parents, rather than having a bicultural identity through acculturation. (4) Group members became increasingly able to reflect and express abstract identity concepts in the group. 5. Fifth session (1) Self-discovery resulting from interaction in the group allowed group members to be well acquainted with each other and to share different facets of themselves; group members became more caring and close to their cross-national marriage families, and recalled peculiar feelings for their paternal or maternal country of origin. (2) Group members recognized the advantage of being multicultural: more knowledgeable, with foreign (ASEAN) experience, and bi-lingual. (3) Group members reflected that the group exploration experience was fun and entailed mutual participation. Finally, based on the results of the study, concrete suggestions were provided for further study in the future on teenagers from transnational marriage families.




