  • 學位論文

中華民國海軍建軍發展歷程之研究: 戰略規劃與建軍作為(1949~2000)

Formation and Development of the R.O.C Navy: Strategic Planning and Accomplishments (1949~2000)

指導教授 : 翁明賢


本論文中華民國海軍建軍發展歷程之研究(1949-2000)共分三個階段 一、退守台灣重建戰力階段 自1949年政府撤退來台至1954年《中美共同防禦條約》簽署時期。中華民國政府失去中國大陸退守臺灣情勢極為不利,但海軍運用二戰後日賠、美援及徵用之艦船編組成為艦隊,在極艱困的條件下,仍能掌控二分之一強的中國沿海制海權長達五年之久。對國府穩住臺灣局勢貢獻甚大,成就亦極為特殊。 二、美軍協防階段 自1955年中美共同防禦條約生效至1979年中美斷交美軍撤出臺灣時期,中華民國海軍在美政府之援助與指導下學習、成長,逐步建立一支較現代化、美國制式之艦隊,並協同美軍圍堵中共向西太平洋之擴張長達24年。 三、莊敬自強階段 自1980年至2000年,為中華民國莊敬自強階段。1971年中華民國自從退出聯合國,1979年中美斷交,中華民國失去有利之援助,政治與外交處境非常艱難、特殊,成為國際孤兒。但在本時期中華民國海軍亦能莊敬自強突破困局達成二代兵力之整建目標,確保國家與臺灣周邊海域之安全與台海航行自由。 以上經驗極為特殊與珍貴,筆者亦曾參與多項建軍作業,體會良多也深感榮譽,特撰此論文,謹供後續建軍規劃與研究者參考。


During the period of 1949-2000, the development of the ROC Navy can be divided into three stages. The challenges and achievements of each stage are summarized as follows: 1. The reform stage from 1949 to 1954 In 1949, the Government of the Republic of China lost the mainland China and retreated to Taiwan. The situation then was extremely unfavorable. Until the signing of the Sino-US Mutual Defense Treaty in 1954, the ROC navy used the post-World War II Japanese compensation, US aid, and expropriating civil ships to build up a preliminary fleet. In spite of extremely difficult conditions, ROC Navy can still control more than one-half of China's coastal sea areas and enjoyed maritime power for five years. This has contributed a lot to the ROC Government's ability to stabilize the situation in Taiwan, and the achievements were significantly great. 2. The US aid stage from 1955 to 1979 The Sino-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty came into effect in 1955. However, the U.S. military withdrew from Taiwan in 1979 when the Sino-U.S. diplomatic ties were severed. During this period, the ROC Navy learned and grew under the assistance and guidance of the U.S. Government, and gradually established a more modern American-type fleet and, by coordinating with The United States, both countries had been deterred the Chinese Communist expansion into the Western Pacific for 24 years. 3. The self-reliance stage from 1980 to 2000: After the ROC withdrew its membership from the United Nations in 1971, lost the political and diplomatic relationship with US in 1979. It lost strong support and aid both in international politics and diplomacy, and was extremely isolated in the international communities, and ever since encountered very difficult situation. During the period from 1980 to 2000, still, the ROC Navy was able to break through the predicament and complete the build-up of its second-generation naval forces to safeguard the safety and freedom of navigation in the waters surrounding Taiwan. The ROC Navy has a glorious history in achieving its growth and strength. The author himself has personally participated in some of these tasks, and feels deeply honored to have completed this study of related records and, in particular, would like to provide it as reference for future follow-up military planners and researchers.


