  • 學位論文


The study on the awareness of global citizenship and specific practice among junior high school teachers in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究旨在探討國民中學教師世界公民素養認知與具體作法之情形。首先了解新北市國民中學教師對世界公民素養的認知與具體作法現況,其次分析不同背景變項的教師在認知及具體作法上的差異情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,使用自編之「國民中學教師世界公民素養認知與具體作法調查問卷」為研究工具,以新北市60所公立國民中學教師為研究對象,採分層抽樣方式來選擇樣本,共發出問卷360份,回收有效樣本數為355份,可用率達98.6%。依回收問卷資料進行描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費法事後多重比較等統計分析,並加以討論。歸納本研究之主要發現如下: 一、國民中學教師以「世界公民素養態度」的認知程度最佳。 二、每年出國兩次以上的國中教師世界公民素養認知程度高於其他的國中教師有部分差異。 三、國民中學教師世界公民素養的具體作法,以「生活教育的落實」的實踐程度最高。 四、社會領域的教師在生活教育的落實高於藝術與人文領域教師。 五、每年出國兩次以上的國中教師在世界公民素養具體做法方面較其他出國頻率教師高。 六、新北市國中教師世界公民素養認知程度和具體做法成高度正相關。 依據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校單位、教師及後續研究之參考。


This study aims to examine the awareness and specific practices of global citizenship among junior high school teachers. First, investigates the awareness and current specific practices of global citizenship among junior high school teachers of New Taipei City, and then analyses the differences of awareness and specific practices of global citizenship by different teachers’ background. This study adopts questionnaire survey methods by using self-edited questionnaire, and focuses on the teachers of 60 junior high schools of New Taipei City. This study uses stratified sampling method, 360 questionnaires were sent and 678 valid questionnaires were collected, valid ratio is 98.6%. The collected questionnaires were analyzed by using methods including descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe’smethod for posteriori comparison. Key findings of this study are as follows: 1. The degree of awareness of “global attitudes” is highest among junior high school teachers. 2. The degree of awareness of global citizenship of junior high school teachers who visit abroad over twice a year is higher than other frequency. 3. The level of practice of “implementation of life education” is highest for specific practices of global citizenship among junior high school teachers. 4. The practicable level of Sociological teachers is higher than Arts teachers. 5. The level of specific practices of junior high school teachers who visit abroad over twice a year is higher than other frequency. 6. There is a significant positive correlation between the degree of awareness and level of specific practices of global citizenship among junior high school teachers. Based on the study conclusions, suggestions will be provided to the educational institutes, junior high schools, and future researchers.


吳翠珍 (2006)。媒體素養是什麼?--媒體素養的核心概念。北


