  • 學位論文


The Study of Service Quality Difference in District Offices of New Taipei City: Applying the Kano Model

指導教授 : 黃一峯


過去已有許多學者透過量化方法研究公務機關之服務品質,儘管其中部分學者也探討到基層公務機關之服務品質,但是針對2010年12月25日五都改制之後,新北市政府所屬之區公所服務品質屬性分類及其差異進行分析者卻付之厥如。 民眾所認知的服務品質與行政機關所認知的服務品質,兩者仍存在著差異,如何縮短兩者的認知差距,是行政機關應該努力的方向,但一昧地以自我的角度出發,就容易產生偏差形成資源的浪費,行政機關及其決策者應該善用科學的調查方法,經常修正兩者間的差距,才能真正提升服務品質的績效。 本研究以基層行政機關的角度切入以新北市的區公所為例,發現礙於法令規範的限制,區公所的服務品質經過這5年的『磨合期』與市政府要求的服務品質已漸趨作法一致性的關係。因此,認為除了改善及修正現有基層行政機關基本軟硬體設備設施外,以長遠來看,更需重視從民眾的角度去了解,民眾所認定機關應該提供何種適切性的服務才會有感,從此處去發現問題的癥結,再回頭去檢討或修正市政府的組織與規範作為才是根本之道。 本研究將過去常採用一元化服務品質模式之研究不同,整合Kano二維服務品質模式與重要度績效分析來探討不同基層機關之服務品質分類,探討民眾對區公所服務品質的看法。本研究採SERVQUAL 量表及Kano為問卷架構,針對不同人口數之公所洽公之民眾進行問卷調查,歸類出民眾對第一線區公所服務品質屬性分類選項,得以更清楚民眾的需求與偏好,歸納出機關之服務品質改善重點,讓機關針對關鍵的服務品質項目持續維持與創新,使民眾滿意程度提高,增進新北市政府整體施政滿意度。


Objectively evaluating the service quality of the Taiwan public service is difficult for the governor, because his/her milieu differs from that of the citizen. Therefore, the perception discrepancy of service quality (PDSQ) between “the service quality which public servants presume citizens to experience” and “the service quality which citizens actually experience” still exists. A high PDSQ might cause a public servant to misunderstand the causes of citizens satisfaction (whether high or low), and leading that the public servant makes wrong decision about the future policy evolvement and wastes huge monetary and time cost which can be avoided. Although many scholars have explored the effectiveness and efficiency of public service, no study has been conducted to evaluate PDSQ in the district-level government, especially after the Formation of Five Taiwan Municipalities in December 25, 2015. This study establish a Kano based model, by takes the district affairs of New Taipei City as case study, to measure the presence, magnitude, and in what form of PDSQ exists. Through this model, the author classifies customer preferences into five categories and demonstrates the perception discrepancy between public servants and citizens toward public services. The author furthermore builds corresponding strategy for public servants to minimize the PDSQ, thus the citizen satisfaction regarding public services raises. The contributions of this study are, (1) providing a model to demonstrate how and why perceptions of public servants and citizens toward public services differ, (2) the governor can apply this model to predict the evolvement path of a draft public service, and (3) the governor can also shape corresponding win-win public service execution strategy by linking this model and citizens’ short/long-term business activities. The results demonstrate that one service quality auditing criteria cannot be applied for all types of district-level government appropriately. This means, for example, the district office in rural area regard one service as must-be quality, however, on the other hand, this service might be regarded as indifferent quality in metropolitan area. Therefore, the city government has to explore different requirements from districts in different types of area, in order to design services to satisfy citizen's requirements. The limitation of this study is that samples are selected only from four district offices (Chung He District Office, Yung He District Office, Pin Xi District Office, and Shuang Xi District Office), and advanced works are required to examine all levels of government in Taiwan to validate the generality of this study. Therefore, in the future, empirical researches can be conducted to explore the PDSQ between district offices in different county, or the PDSQ between central and local authorities.


district office service quality Kano model IPA


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