  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Elementary school Teachers Leadership for Learning: An Example of One Elementary school Practicing Instant Remedial Instruction in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 吳清基


本研究旨在探究國民小學教師學習領導及實施即時補救教學的現況與具 體作為,並根據研究結果提供相關的建議。本研究選擇新北市一所偏遠學校的教師為研究對象,該學校透過多元方式培養教師成為學習領導者,鼓勵教師自我成長,並轉化自我的能力在教學上發揮所長,以學習為中心,落實課堂上的即時補救教學,成就每一位學生。透過焦點訪談與課堂觀察,得到以下結論: 一、教師要參酌學生的學習與興趣,去建構學習的共同願景與目標。 二、校長正面且積極的特質,是支持學校與教師進步的動力來源。 三、教師同儕的互助力量,讓「你好、我好、大家好」的學習發酵。 四、教師關注學生學習,讓學生適才適性發展。 五、教師完善的課程規畫與教學策略,可提升學生學習意願與學習成效。 六、教師能善用評量結果,勇於承擔學生學習的成敗責任。 根據上述研究結論,本研究提供若干具體建議,以供教育行政機關、國小校長、國小教師以及未來研究者之參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation and the actions of elementary school teachers' leadership for learning and instant remedial instruction, and to provide relevant suggestions according to the research results. In this study,teachers from a remote school in New Taipei City are selected as the research object. This school cultivates teachers as learning leaders through multiple means, and encourages teachers to develop themselves and apply the knowledge when they teach.In the meantime, based on the learning-centered atmosphere, instant remedial instruction is the essential measure to make every student succeed. Through focus group interviews and classroom observations,the conclusions are as follows: 1.Teachers should take the students' learning and interests into consideration and build a shared vision and goals. 2.The positive character of the principal is the driving force behind the growth of the school and the teachers. 3.Mutual strength of peer teachers boosts the learning, so that the spirit of "seeking the common good "can be realized. 4.Teachers focus on the students’ learning to make them have appropriate development. 5.Teachers’ improvement in the curriculum planning and teaching strategies can help prompt students’ learning motivation and outcomes. 6.Teachers can make good use of evaluation results, and have the courage to bear the responsibility of students’ success or failure in learning. Based on the findings mentioned above, the study provides some specific recommendations for education administrative departments, principals and teachers of elementary schools, and future researchers.


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