  • 學位論文


The Study of Organizational Management on Thoughts of Xunzi

指導教授 : 劉燦樑
共同指導教授 : 曾義明


本研究的目的包括重釋荀子管理思想之現代意涵、探討荀子管理思維於現代化企業組織管理其適用性為何,並根據研究結論進而對相關企業其在運用荀子管理智慧於現代化企業組織管理時,提供一可資運用之管理建議。依據資料分析的結果,本研究主要研究發現歸納結論如下: 一、 荀子管理思想之現代意涵 1. 「量地而立國,計利而畜民,度人力而授事」-重視策略規劃之計劃思維 2. 「明分使群」、「授權」-重視專業分工與充分授權之組織思維 3. 「識人重其樸實無華」、「國之器」-用人尚賢及注重員工品德之人事思維 4. 「養民」、「愛民」-重視員工生活環境、愛才不惜代價與體恤員工之激勵思 5. 「禮法並用」、「賞罰兼施」、「強調服從」-強調規範之控制思維 6. 「以德服人」、「道德威嚴」-重視領導人德性之領導思維 二、 荀子管理思維應用於現代化企業組織管理之適用性 荀子計劃思維「量地而立國,計利而畜民,度人力而授事」與現今企業組織非常重視領導者策略規劃與敏銳的趨勢判讀之能力乃相符的。荀子其組織思想之「分」與現今企業組織重視企業各部門之專業分工與各主管之授權乃一致的。另在荀子人事思維上,荀子「識人重其樸實無華」、「國之器」思想現今企業組織用人首重品德、重視員工執行力之思維皆一致的。在荀子激勵思維上,荀子「養民」、「愛民」思想與現今企業組織重視員工生活、愛才不惜代價、體恤員工之思維皆一致的。在荀子控制思維上,荀子「禮、法」思想、「賞罰兼施」以及「服從是美德」思想與現今企業組織重視標準作業程序、賞罰分明與強調服從之思維皆是一致的。最後在荀子領導思維上,荀子其領導思想與現今企業組織重視企業領導者之德性之思維與領導者之強勢領導趨勢乃一致的。


荀子 組織管理 計劃 組織 人事 激勵 控制 領導


The purpose of this study is to explain the managerial ideas in Xunzi’s thinking to modern world, and discuss the potential adaptability of his thoughts in modern organizational management, according to the conclusion of which we may proceed with offering some management suggestions for those enterprises aiming at using his managerial wisdom in the management of their network. Based on the analyzed results, this research has a few conclusions as follows: A. The modern thoughts from Xunzi’s managerial thinking 1. “Establish a country based on the land measured, manage the crowd based on their benefits gained, and distribute workload based on human resources available.” – the idea of planning ahead with a focus on strategic management. 2. “Delegate staff accordingly,” “authorization,” – the idea of organization with a focus on cooperation and authorization. 3. “What matters in an individual is his moderation of characteristics, “action speaks louder than words,” – the idea of human resources with a focus on workers’ personality and virtue. 4. “Herd your subjects,” “love your subjects,” – the idea of motivation with a focus on taking care of workers’ living environment and attending staff at all costs. 5. “The adoption of both etiquette and regulation,” the execution of both rewarding and punishing,” “obedience-oriented” – the idea of control with a focus on regulations. 6. “Be persuasive by being virtuous,” “be stern by preaching morals,” –the idea of leadership with a focus on leaders’ morality. B. The adaptability of Xunzi’s managerial thinking in modern organizational management in the industry The idea of Xunzi’s thoughts is such: establish a country based on the land measured, manage the crowd based on their benefits gained, and distribute workload based on human resources available. This is highly correlated with the modern focus on the abilities of leadership strategies and trend analysis in an organization nowadays. The organizational idea of “separation” in Xunzi’s thinking is also similar to the highlight of departmental cooperation and authorization of managerial heads in an organization nowadays. As well, upon the thoughts of human resource, his ideas that “what matters in an individual is his moderation of characteristics,” and that “action speaks louder than words,” are matching the ideas of modern world enterprise to use an individual according to his morality and his power of execution. As to the idea of motivation Xunzi’s ideas of “herd your subjects,” and “love your subjects,” are corresponding to those of modern industries to emphasize on employees’ life, treasure a talent at all costs, and be considerate of staff. What are also comparable to modern enterprises’ standard operational procedure, scientific on the punishment and reward, and the focus on obedience are his managerial ideas of “etiquette and laws”, “the execution of both rewarding and punishing,” and “obedience is a virtue.” Last but not least, Xunzi’s leadership thinking matches that of modern industries, with a focus on leader’s virtue and the trend of power leadership.


黃智銘(2008)。佈局接班人 鴻海大學八月成立。取自工商時報http://incubator.sce.pccu.edu.tw/frontpage/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Part=news516(瀏覽日期:2013年1月28日)。
