  • 學位論文


A Discussion on Effect of Wind Environment by Wind Turbines

指導教授 : 張正興


由於環保意識的抬頭,綠色能源不斷的受到重視,尤其以風力發電機此類 對於環境較少干擾的能源最受青睞。在大量的風力發電機裝設的同時,風力發 電機製造商與學者並未有提出相關對於風力發電機運作時可能造成環境風場 影響的評估報告,故有必要針對造成環境風場影響進行研究。 本研究期望藉由風洞試驗配合計算流體力學找尋兩者的相關性,並建立出 一套可預測風力發電機干擾環境風場的評估方法。由於風洞試驗無法滿足風力 發電機在流體力學中相似性縮尺下的物理行為,所呈現出得風場並非實場真正 的流況。本研究將嘗試以風洞試驗所擷取到的流場特性與數值模擬作一比較, 尋求出最佳的數值模式和參數設定,再以此一數值模式和參數設定來模擬實際 尺寸的風力發電機,利用此數值結果配合風洞試驗來評估對環境風場之影響。 在數值模擬的技術上則選用滑動網格,曾針對過動態網格與滑動網格概略性的 性能測試,經過比較後吾人認為並無太大的差異。然而,在風力發電機的數值 預測方面,其結果風速剖面仍與風洞實驗有相同趨勢,但數值量級確有部分差 距,而在紊流強度方面則有明顯相近的結果。 當氣流通過風力發電機,風速有明確的驟減趨勢,但流場卻變得更加紊 亂。干擾後的流場在經過舒適度評估標準,位於風力發電機後方不遠處,其舒 適度評估風速有顯著增加的現象,越遠離則舒適度評估風速有逐漸降低的趨 勢。


Because of environmental consciousness to rise and develop, the green energy has been paid attention to constantly. The kind of energy which is less likely to interfere with the environment is especially favored, for instance, the wind turbine. While a large number of wind turbine have been installed, not many relevant studies and reports have proven that the function of wind turbine would not influence the wind environment. Therefore, a further study of the wind turbine to influence the wind environment should be developed. This research is expected to find the correlation of the wind turbine and the wind environment by using wind tunnel experiment and computational fluid dynamics to set up a assessment method to predict wind environment. Since the wind tunnel experiment can't (reflect) satisfy the real flow field of the wind turbine, the study is attemped to find the best mode and parameter by comparing the numerical simulation with the flow characteristic of wind tunnel experiment. The mode and parameter are set up to imitate the real dimensions of the wind turbine. The result is then utilized to cooperate with wind tunnel experiment to assess the influence on wind environment. Slide mesh is selected for use on the technology of the numerical simulation for there is not much difference after comparing the function test of dynamic mesh and slide mesh. However, in the result of the numerical prediction of wind turbine, the wind velocity profiles have the same trends with the wind tunnel experiment results and the results of the turbulent intensity profile are close to wind tunnel data. While the wind flow pass through the wind turbine, the wind speed has the tendency of decreasing in downstream, but the airflow becomes more disorderly. The turbulence intensity increases. The comfortable wind speed calculated by pedestrian wind comfort criteria increases in the region of just downstream of turbin. Other regions of downstream have lower comfortable wind speed than before wind turbine installed.


wind turbine CFD wind environment slide mesh


1. A. G. Davenport “The relationship of wind structure to wind loading”,
Structures. National Physical Laboratory (1965)
Inc. New York (1982)
4. Adapted from the Australian Standard for Wind Load, AS1170.2
5. Whitbread, R. E. “Model Simulation of Wind Effects on Buildings and


