  • 學位論文


The effects of the motherboard industry entering e-sport products on performance: The cases of Gigabyte and MSI

指導教授 : 黃振豊 孔繁華


台灣科技產業在全球占有一席之地,尤其台灣主機板是全世界出貨量第一的國家,因此分析主機板產業演變及競爭策略為台灣主機板廠商生存與發展的重要議題。 據主機板市場現況分析,可以發現主機板產業為一發展成熟且已飽和產業,由早期百家爭鳴的盛況,在歷經市場的競爭、整合及淘汰後,使主機板產業邁向產業集中化,主機板廠商呈現大者恆大的趨勢。在競爭激烈的主機板業中,因產品生命週期短,且產品線多樣化,各廠商必須發展多角化事業,同時依據企業之產品競爭策略,設計出最具競爭力的差異化產品,以期能創造公司最大之利潤。 本研究目的,在探討台灣主機板產業隨著經營環境之變化過程中,其產品競爭策略是否有何變化?並以技嘉、微星等台灣的主機板生產大廠為例,當主機板產業步入成熟期並成長動能趨緩的同時,電競產品的興起對主機板廠商的經營績效之影響。個案的選擇係因在對目前台灣一線主機板廠商做比較後,發現技嘉與微星這兩家主機板廠商有極為相似的經營條件,諸如兩家公司的資本額、創立時間背景及主要營運項目都極為相似,但又因其跨足電競產品的時間有所不同導致兩家公司的獲利產生此消彼長的狀況。


主機板 競爭策略 電競 經營績效


Taiwan’s technology industry holds an important position in the global market. In particular, Taiwan is the top exporter of motherboards, thereby rendering analysis of the evolution and competitive strategies in the motherboard industry crucial to the survival and development of motherboard manufacturers in Taiwan. Current market conditions indicate that this industry is already mature and saturated. Following mergers and elimination, the once numerous competitors have been whittled down to form a more concentrated industry dominated by the larger manufacturers. Within this fiercely competitive industry, product life cycles are short, and wide variety exists among product lines. Manufacturers must develop diversified business models, and design the most competitive differentiated products for maximizing profits. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the product strategies of motherboard manufacturers in Taiwan have changed with the business environment. With major motherboard manufacturers Gigabyte Technology and Micro-Star International( MSI ) as examples, this study examined the influence of the emergence of e-sport products on the operational performance as the motherboard industry is maturing with a slowing growth momentum. Gigabyte and Micro-Star( MSI ) were selected for case studies, because they have similar operating conditions, such as total capital, establishing time and background, and major operating items. However, they stepped into the e-sports industry at different times, which lends them different advantages and disadvantages. These two companies were thus good case studies for this research.


1.王文科,2001,《教育研究法 (第六版)》,五南出版社。
