  • 學位論文


A Study on Chinese Subtitles,based on the Spanish Movie“VOLVER”

指導教授 : 黃翠玲


電影是文化的一環,能真實反映出某種社會狀態及真實,對於不黯西班牙文的目的語觀眾而言,電影是種窺探西語國家文化和現況的一種平台,且在提倡全球化的概念之下,培養國際觀已是最重要的任務之一,也因為網路的發達,也逐漸能夠同步獲得各種資訊;而電影這種視覺藝術更是拓展國際觀的一種媒介,且透過電影字幕翻譯的幫助下,帶領目的語的觀眾零距離的感受到源語文化世界以及導演想要傳遞的訊息。 翻譯是種傳意的過程,也是座橋梁,就是譯者將作者的訊息傳到讀者及觀眾的腦海中。而字幕翻譯者所扮演的角色因為類型文本的不同,在電影字幕所擁有的特性,或者是說限制下,譯者必須在有限的時間跟空間把原作者的訊息正確無誤的傳達給觀眾;且必須對西班牙文和中文不論是在語言、語法或者是兩種文化都有精確的知識才能無誤的將訊息傳遞。 本論文以西班牙知名導演阿莫多瓦的作品《玩美女人》(VOLVER)作為研究範圍,在阿莫多瓦擅長的通俗劇情氛圍營造之下,看似荒謬的劇情極盡西班牙風格的幽默卻又能衍生出對女性和母性濃郁的情感。 本論文分成六章節,第一章概述電影字幕的功能以及限制,讓讀者能夠更瞭解電影字幕的形成和重要性,字幕翻譯最主要的功能性就是交際溝通,讓觀眾能夠在短時間內接受到正確的信息翻譯,而字幕翻譯和文學、文本翻譯最不同的地方在於字幕翻譯是「字幕、畫面與音效是共同呈現的」,因此譯者必須在有限的時間和空間的限制之下傳遞信息是一項挑戰。 第二章介紹導演阿莫多瓦和電影,筆者認為要對導演的風格及劇情的特色有所了解才能唯實的將其訊息給譯出,以及探討源語片名VOLVER一詞所代表的意涵和目的語片名《玩美女人》的差異。 第三章則是討論電影字幕翻譯的策略,同上述指出,由於目前沒有完整的影視翻譯理論,筆者只能透過整理許多影視翻譯專家所提出的電影字幕翻譯策略,如:音譯、直譯、添增、刪減以及配合字幕限制的精簡原則等方法;在文化翻譯問題上,筆者運用了維奴提所提出的歸化策略,探討電影字幕碰到文化時所產生的問題,如:台式翻譯、四字成語翻譯…等。 第四章電影為《玩美女人》電影字幕暨翻譯分析,用第三章所列出的策略來進行本片的字幕分析,探討其字幕翻譯上優點和其缺失,並在第五章結論中總結上述電影翻譯策略和譯文的互動。


Movies are considered as part of culture, which can reflect the social status and the reality. Translation is a process of transferring messages, and translator can be considered as a bridge of transferring the messages to all audiences. For lots of audiences who don’t know about the Spanish culture, movie can be one platform to discover the Spanish culture and help audiences get to know more about the Spanish society, with the help of Chinese subtitle which take all audiences of target language to find the beauty of original language (Spanish) and the culture. This thesis has six chapters, analyzing the problem of translations in the Spanish movie VOLVER, directed by Pedro Almodovar. In the first chapter talking about the definition and function of movie subtitle, the mainly function of movie subtitle is to make communication with audiences. The second chapter is talking about the text analysis I choose is the awards-winning Spanish movie VOLVER, directed by Pedro Almodovar, in this chapter I make a brief introduction about Pedro Almodovar’s movie style and VOLVER’s characteristic. The third chapter is focus on the translation methodology of movie subtitle, according to in general, in the area of translation theory doesn’t exist the so-called Chinese audiovisual translation theory, so I conclude all of methodologies of movie subtitle as my supports, such as transliteration, cancellation, narration…etc. Besides, to deal with the cultural difference in two languages, I use the domestication by Lawrence Venuti as the key to solve this issue. In the fourth chapter, using the methodologies mentioned in the last chapter as classification to analysis the subtitle translation of VOLVER, and talking about the translation errors and problems and giving some suggestions. The last chapter is conclusion. In this chapter, not only concluding the translation problem we might find out in VOLVER, but also talking about the role those subtitle translators play which is very different from those translator in novel or in news, because movie subtitle has its own restriction and condition, therefore subtitle translator has to do his best under the space and time restriction, and send the correct messages to audience under those conditions of time and space and cultural difference. Beside, subtitle translator has to master in the original language and the target language and mutual culture so that they can transfer the right messages to all audience, and holding the right perspective about the Spanish movie subtitle translation in the future


方梓勳:“Let the words do the talking: The nature and art of Subtitling”,第
Almodovar,Pedro: “VOLVER Guion cinematografico de Pedro Almodovar”,
Madrid, Ocho y Medio, 2006.
Talens, Jenaro: “Historia del cine espanol”, Madrid, Catedra, 2005.
