  • 學位論文


A study of Ju zi's novels.

指導教授 : 黃麗卿
共同指導教授 : 封德屏(De-Ping Feng)


「網路小說」自1998年《第一次親密接觸》出版,並在短短幾個月內銷售數十萬冊,其商機湧現,一時百家爭鳴,湧現出一批網路作家、以及專營網路小說的出版社,筆名橘子的曹筱如,受此一創作潮流影響,亦在此時投身創作。   早期的橘子作品受網路小說影響頗深,也被出版社以網路小說來包裝行銷,但實際上,她的小說既不以描述網戀為主、也並非先行在網路上發表,而內容上更不僅是青春校園愛情故事那麼簡單,而是以描述青春男女如何成長、並且尋找自我為主,在她的五十多部出版品中,長篇小說約有三十部,而她的長篇小說,無論是在情節上、思想上,都有一貫的固定模式,而據她自己所言,她是個靈感源源不絕的人,而筆者認為,她的長篇小說的劇情模式,和她個人的親身經歷息息相關,尤其她因為自身經歷的影響,對於意外打擊所造成的困境會如何影響人生態度,更有十分貼切的描寫。   也因此,本論文旨在對橘子其人的生平經歷、以及長篇小說作品,做出深入的探討研究。本論文分為六個章節。第一章說明研究動機與目的、並探討前行研究、以及橘子投身創作時的背景;第二章使用統計法及歸納法,將橘子的生平、以及她的創作史作出清楚的年表,整理出橘子至今的經歷;第三章探討橘子長篇小說的創作手法與藝術風格,以文本分析法將橘子在創作長篇小說時的創作手法整理出來,包含情節的模式化、內心獨白的使用、倒敘的寫作手法、第一人稱的敘事觀點、流行歌詞的大量應用、以及不斷跳轉的敘事觀點;第四章探討橘子長篇小說中的情感思想,以親情、友情、愛情三個面向切入,探討她對各種人際關係的描述與思想;第五章探討橘子的靈感以及她親身經歷之間的關聯,以佛洛伊德的精神分析法,將其作品風格與其成長背景作出對照,研究橘子作品傳遞出的思想,是受到她自身曾經歷的創傷經歷影響;第六章討論橘子的作品受到網路小說風潮的影響,卻保有自己的特色,詳述她長篇小說的價值;第七章收攝前面所論,做出結論。   自橘子開始從事創作,至今已有二十年的時間,無論是在創作的產量和質量上,都具備一定的水準,然而至今卻沒有任何專門研究橘子的論文,殊為可惜,因此本論文期望能對橘子的生平、創作年表、寫作模式、思想內容,都作出一個完整的整理及歸納。


曹筱如 橘子 網路小說 大眾文學


Since “The First Intimate Contact “got published in 1998 and sold hundreds andthousands of copies within a few months, the business opportunity of web novels has emerged in large numbers.a wave of various web novelists emerged along with publishers specialized in marketing and selling web novels. Hsiao-Ju Tsao with a pen name of Ju Zi began to write popular novels at that time.   Ju Zi’s manuscripts were rejected many times, and her works were not noticed by any one. However, with her constant efforts, she finally became one of the best-selling authors in Taiwan. Over the past 20 years, she published more than 50 books that were popular among the public.   Accordingly, this study investigated Ju Zi and her novels. The paper encompasses three parts. In the first part, statistical and inductive methods were used to analyze her experience and create a chronological table of her life events and works. In the second part, her writing approaches and thoughts in her novels were analyzed, and the method of text analysis was used to thoroughly examine her writing patterns and styles. In the third part, the psychoanalysis approach proposed by Sigmund Freud was employed to compare the style of her works and her background of growing up, determining whether her inspiration and thoughts conveyed by the works are influenced by her personal experience.   It has been 20 years since Ju Zi began to engage in literary creation, and her works have maintained high quantity and quality. However, no studies have examined the life and works of this writer. Therefore, this study was expected to thoroughly collate Ju Zi’s life, creation chronology, writing pattern, and thoughts.


1. 橘子,《PM11:50不見不散》(台北縣:台灣廣廈,2001)。
2. 橘子,《唱給火星人的10首情歌》(台北市:春天出版,2009)。
3. 橘子,《不哭》(台北市:春天出版,2008)。
4. 橘子,《愛無能》(台北市:春天出版,2006)。

