  • 學位論文


The study on weight status, body image, eating behaviors and their related factors of preschool children in Taichung

指導教授 : 翁玉青


本研究目的在瞭解台中市幼兒的體位、體型意識和飲食行為現況,並進一步探討主要照顧者之教養行為及其他因素對幼兒體型意識之影響。問卷分為主要照顧者與幼兒兩部分,以匿名自填式問卷為研究工具,內容包括:(A)基本資料與體型意識(B)柯林氏體型量表(Collins’ figure)(C)兒童飲食行為(D)飲食態度測驗(Eating Attitude Test-26, EAT-26)(E)兒童飲食教養問卷(Child Feeding Questionnaire, CFQ)。結果發現:(1)幼兒實際體型屬於過輕、正常、過重及肥胖,分別佔10.7%、66.7%、14.3%、8.3%。(2)幼兒之實際體型與主要照顧者實際體型有顯著正相關,而與主要照顧者之教育程度呈負相關。(3)大部分幼兒對自我的體型已有正確的認知,但實際體型屬於過重及肥胖之幼兒對自我體型低估情形較嚴重。僅有36.5%的幼兒滿意目前體型;34.6%的幼兒期望體型小於自我認知體型,且幼兒期望較瘦體型的比例隨著實際體型的增大而增加。就讀私立幼稚園之女幼兒期望較瘦體型比例高於公立幼稚園之女幼兒。(4)幼兒的體型意識會受到主要照顧者對幼兒的體型滿意度影響;老師有無對幼兒進行體型評價及父母對幼兒不同的體型評價為影響幼兒體型滿意度的重要因子。(5)結果顯示年齡是影響飲食行為的重要因子,隨著幼兒年齡增加,幼兒飲食行為愈佳。當主要照顧者及幼兒實際體型愈大,幼兒飲食行為愈差。父母對幼兒不同的體型評價,對幼兒飲食行為是重要的影響因子,其飲食分數為「太瘦了」>「正常」>「太胖了」,且幼兒的用餐頻率與主要照顧者之用餐頻率有顯著關聯性。(6)主要照顧者性別、教育程度及具病態飲食行為傾向為影響飲食責任認知的重要因子。主要照顧者自我體重認知受到主要照顧者實際體型及具病態飲食行為傾向影響。主要照顧者及幼兒的實際體型愈大其家長對幼兒體重認知得分愈高,且對幼兒體重關注程度也愈高。當主要照顧者為EAT(+)時,對幼兒體重關注程度、飲食限制情形皆高於EAT(-)。女性主要照顧者對幼兒飲食限制情形高於男性。幼兒實際體型為正常及過輕時主要照顧者對幼兒的飲食強迫情形較高。主要照顧者性別、家庭月收入、主要照顧者的教育程度及具病態飲食行為傾向,是影響主要照顧者對幼兒飲食監控情形的重要因素。根據結果顯示幼兒除了有不正確的體型意識外,家庭環境與幼兒體位、體型意識及飲食行為息息相關。


The purpose of this study was to understand the weight status, body image and eating behaviors of the preschool children in Taichung and the related factors were also be studied. Two sets of anonymous questionnaire contained the questions of demographics, body image, Collins’ figure, eating behavior of child, Eating Attitude Test and Child Feeding Questionnaire were answered by preschool children and their caregivers. Results included: (1)The preschool children’s actual body weight categories belong to underweight, normal, overweight and obesity were 10.7%, 66.7%, 14.3% and 8.3%, respectively. (2)The preschool children’s actual body weight categories were significant positively correlated with caregivers’ actual body weight categories and negatively correlated with caregivers’ education level. (3)Most preschool children had accurate perceptions of their body shape, however, the children were classified overweight and obesity tended to underestimate their body shape. There were 36.5% preschool children satisfied with their body shape and 34.6% desired thinness body shape. The percentage of desired thinness body shape was increased along with the actual body weight categories increased. In addition, the percentage of girls desired thinner body shape was higher in private than public kindergarten. (4)The body image of preschool children was influenced by caregiver’s satisfaction for children’s body weight, teachers’ and parents’ appraisal of children’s weight status. (5)Age, weight categories of caregivers and preschool children, and parent’s appraisal of weight status were important factors of influencing the eating behavior.(6)Food-related parenting style in caregivers: gender, education level and high tendency of eating disorders were important factors for “Perceived responsibility”. “Perceived parent weight” was influenced by the actual body weight categories of caregivers and high tendency of eating disorders. The bigger the actual body weight categories of caregivers and preschool children were, the higher scores of “Perceived child weight” and “Concern about child weight”. The scores of “Concern about child weight” and “Restriction” were higher in caregivers with EAT(+). Female caregivers accounted higher scores on “Restriction” than male. Gender, family income, education level and high tendency of eating disorders of caregivers were important factors on “Monitoring”. Conclusion: Parents’ weight related concerns may closely link with preschool children’s weight status, body image and eating behaviors.


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